Topic Tag: IRA › Forums Join our community of savvy investors to learn about, discuss, and optimize your Individual Retirement Accounts. Whether you're just starting out or a seasoned investor, you'll find valuable insights and support here. Viewing 30 topics - 91 through 120 (of 164 total) ← 1 2 3 4 5 6 → Topic Voices Posts Last Post Why do IRA accounts have a yearly contribution cap? Started by: USER in: The Savings Spot 0 18 Should I use my emergency fund or an inherited IRA to buy a car? Started by: USER in: The Savings Spot 0 7 Should I keep maxing my 401k, RothIRA, and HSA, or save for a house down payment? Started by: USER in: Financial Independence 0 8 Is Primerica a good company for my Roth IRA? Should I keep it until retirement? Started by: USER in: Financial Independence 0 9 When is a Roth IRA better than a traditional IRA for retirement? Started by: USER in: The Savings Spot 0 10 Can my 15-year-old daughter access Roth IRA contributions for college at 20? Started by: Renee in: Financial Independence 0 11 How do I manage my new Vanguard Roth IRA and can I get external financial advice? Started by: Nicole in: The Savings Spot 0 17 Am I missing any tax savings with $150K salary after maxing 401K, HSA, and IRA? Started by: USER in: Financial Independence 0 8 Should I sell my traditional IRA and Roth assets to reinvest in the total stock market, and does my former advisor still earn from these funds at Vanguard? Started by: Daici in: Financial Independence 0 4 What are the benefits of a backdoor Roth IRA if I have to pay taxes on conversion? Started by: Natalia in: Financial Independence 0 9 Should I open a traditional IRA or invest in a brokerage account after maxing out my 401k and being ineligible for Roth IRA due to income limits? Started by: Jenna in: Financial Independence 0 7 What’s the best next step for my 20-year-old son who’s already hit $100k savings milestone, maxing out his Roth IRA and 401k? Looking for advice Started by: USER in: The Savings Spot 0 14 Can I set up retirement accounts in my LLC without taking salary, possibly with a solo 401(k) or SEP IRA? Started by: USER in: Financial Independence 0 5 Which index funds are best for a Roth IRA? FNILX and FXAIX are down; should I switch? Started by: Roo in: Financial Independence 0 5 Is rolling over an old 401k to a current 403b with the same employer a better option for potential backdoor Roth IRA later on? Started by: Aimee in: Financial Independence 0 5 Considering FZROX and FZILX in Roth IRA. Why diversify with FZILX alongside FZROX? Started by: Karen in: The Savings Spot 0 6 Is it better to fill one’s IRA all at once all at once if possible or divvy it out monthly? Started by: Peter in: Financial Independence 0 7 Is there a platform where you can start investing in a Roth IRA without a 3K minimum like Vanguard requires? Started by: Aguilar in: Financial Independence 0 7 Is Roth IRA worth it at 55 with high income? Started by: Wendy in: Financial Independence 0 7 Early retirement IRA contribution during income transition: pros & cons? Started by: USER in: Financial Independence 0 4 401k rollover after job loss: Roth or traditional IRA? Started by: USER in: The Savings Spot 0 7 Recharacterize Roth IRA contribution to backdoor Roth? Started by: Ian in: Financial Independence 0 5 How to file taxes for Roth IRA contribution under $600? Started by: Shelle in: Financial Independence 0 8 529 vs Roth IRA for college funding? Started by: USER in: Financial Independence 0 6 Max 401k or start Roth IRA with pension? Started by: Allen in: Financial Independence 0 5 Roth 401k vs. Roth IRA: Which should I prioritize? Started by: USER in: The Savings Spot 0 5 Can I open a Traditional IRA after contributing to a Roth IRA? Started by: USER in: Financial Independence 0 4 Can married couples contribute twice the Roth IRA limit? Started by: Kristin in: Financial Independence 0 7 Why Vanguard doesn’t provide cost basis for IRA accounts? Started by: Amy in: Financial Independence 0 5 Does 401k rollover count towards Roth IRA contribution limit? Started by: Tiah in: Financial Independence 0 7 Viewing 30 topics - 91 through 120 (of 164 total) ← 1 2 3 4 5 6 →