Financial Independence › Forums Create New Topic This forum has 1,159 topics, 9,386 replies, and was last updated by . Viewing 30 topics - 1 through 30 (of 1,159 total) 1 2 3 … 37 38 39 → Topic Voices Posts Last Post Is relocating for career growth and higher pay worth downsizing? Started by: USER 0 21 Am I financially secure enough to close my business and build a house? Started by: USER 0 8 Should investors hedge in a volatile market for better returns? Started by: Kathy 0 18 Are there income limits for a Roth 401(k) through an employer? Started by: USER 0 5 Should you donate appreciated stock instead of cash to charities? Started by: Cody 0 8 457b or Roth IRA—which should I prioritize for retirement? Started by: USER 0 7 Why do we owe so much in taxes after getting married and filing jointly? Started by: USER 0 22 Is FI much harder after 2020? Anyone regret retiring before then? Started by: Cody 0 14 Should I roll over my old 401(k) or buy an annuity? Started by: Jennifer 0 4 Can we retire next year with $1.5M, $5K rental, and $8K pension? Started by: USER 0 5 How should I help my daughter with her $132K student loan? Started by: USER 0 6 Why do we owe $1,600 more in taxes despite having a baby? Started by: USER 0 7 How can I predict my fluctuating freelance income? Started by: Gabriella 0 5 How to optimize a risk parity portfolio across different accounts? Started by: USER 0 4 Budgeting for Wedding Season: A Costly but Fun Reality Started by: Christopher 0 11 How can I improve my financial situation and career options? Started by: USER 0 9 How should crypto fit into a risk parity portfolio—allocate or omit? Started by: Eva 0 10 Does anyone still balance their checkbook or just itemize statements? Started by: Tiffany 0 19 How can I balance saving for FI while still enjoying life? Started by: USER 0 26 Am I right to take IRA distributions now for lower taxes later? Started by: Jeff 0 5 How do you estimate annual retirement expenses across different life stages? Started by: USER 0 5 How do you balance saving for FI and enjoying life with a likely inheritance? Started by: USER 0 26 Where is the best place to save or transfer money now? Started by: Hannah 0 8 Would you prefer paying cash or taking a low-interest loan? Started by: Carol 0 13 What’s the security difference between a money market fund and an FDIC account? Started by: Carol 0 11 How much cash (VMFXX) vs. market investments in retirement? Started by: Sarah 0 4 How can I invest in funds that align with my values? Started by: Rachel 0 7 Best platform for a child’s small investments (<$100)? Started by: Michael 0 9 Any advice for investing with ARK financial? Started by: Kristina 0 10 Should I thank my MIL or suggest a brokerage account instead? Started by: USER 0 22 Viewing 30 topics - 1 through 30 (of 1,159 total) 1 2 3 … 37 38 39 → Create New Topic in “Financial Independence” Your information: Name (required): Mail (will not be published) (required): Website: Topic Title (Maximum Length: 200): Submit