Financial Independence › Forums Create New Topic This forum has 1,159 topics, 9,386 replies, and was last updated by . Viewing 30 topics - 31 through 60 (of 1,159 total) ← 1 2 3 … 37 38 39 → Topic Voices Posts Last Post Can I refinance a $215K HELOC at 9.99%, or just pay it down? Started by: USER 0 5 How should I start investing with a 401k and $50/month? Started by: USER 0 5 Best bonds for IRA rebalancing? Recession-proof options? Started by: Brian 0 3 What annual checkups do you recommend for health after 40? Started by: Dave 0 27 Best investment strategy for a 75-year-old risk-averse parent? Started by: USER 0 6 How can I best evaluate personalized portfolios with confidence? Started by: Eva 0 9 Who can I talk to in person about high-yield savings accounts? Started by: Cassie 0 7 Can a hospital charge for unused NICU care due to a C-section? Started by: USER 0 12 Can my partner negotiate after being switched to a lower salary? Started by: USER 0 26 What financial moves do you wish you made right after layoff? Started by: USER 0 12 Is Neptune Society reliable for cremation, or are there better options? Started by: Elizabeth 0 17 Is Fidelity still freezing funds in Cash Management accounts? Started by: Tiffany 0 16 How can we buy a family friend’s $850k home if we’re approved for $685k? Started by: USER 0 11 Which is better for storing crypto: Coinbase or Robinhood? Started by: Tanvir 0 11 Does equities have lasting power for 100% accumulation, or could it shift? Started by: Karl 0 4 Buy $700K home in cash, rent current one, no debt. Smart move? Started by: USER 0 13 What are your favorite books to introduce someone to investing? Started by: Tracy 0 8 How can I safely sell an old car with issues without getting scammed? Started by: Julie 0 16 How can my parents buy a condo before selling their house? Started by: Michele 0 9 Which companies offer large life insurance policies? Started by: Jessica 0 5 Is a CPA different from a tax planner? Who should we hire? Started by: Annie 0 6 Switching from Geico to pay-as-you-go insurance—thoughts? Started by: Jason 0 8 Should I opt for W-2 with MA taxes or 1099 with PTO in VA? Started by: Emilia 0 7 How do you track and store receipts for long-term HSA reimbursements? Started by: Dustyn 0 14 What steps can my sister take to protect herself and her child during a divorce involving alcoholism and custody concerns? Started by: USER 0 27 Should my 69-year-old husband start Social Security now even if still working? Started by: Hillary 0 9 How can I recover money from stolen checks, given no brokerage fault & no SIPC/FDIC coverage? Started by: USER 0 13 How to dispute unfair security deposit charges in Virginia? Started by: USER 0 7 Lump sum or installments for settlement: tax impact? Started by: USER 0 4 What’s the ideal 529 savings target for two kids in California? Started by: Hardika 0 7 Viewing 30 topics - 31 through 60 (of 1,159 total) ← 1 2 3 … 37 38 39 → Create New Topic in “Financial Independence” Your information: Name (required): Mail (will not be published) (required): Website: Topic Title (Maximum Length: 200): Submit