Are old dried beans safe to cook? Soak or use dry?

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  • #122484 Reply

      I have some dried beans but I don’t know how old they are. They’ve been in a sealed jar in the pantry for years at least.

      Think I could make some soup out of them or should I toss?

      Should I soak them or put in dry?

      Anyway to see if they are bad/ok?

      #122485 Reply

        Soak them overnight and cook until soft. Beans last forever.

        #122486 Reply

          Soak them overnight pick out the ones that float

          #122487 Reply

            During this time in our lives I would ask … why not try them using the ole soak overnight and cook until almost soft? Food is money IMO

            #122488 Reply

              Hmmm ..soak with Tsp or so baking soda, overnight. rinse and give it a go.

              #122489 Reply

                Open. If they smell rancid, throw them out. Otherwise, I would assume they are fine.

                Just wash well and give them a long time to cook.

                #122490 Reply

                  I just made beans with beans like that and it turned out great. I soaked the beans overnight in my Crock Pot (not turned on), then rinsed and replaced the water, added 4 tablespoons of baking soda bone, and cooked it on medium all day until the beans were cooked.

                  #122491 Reply

                    You could use then as baking beans, to weigh down pastry shells (over parchment paper) to stop the centres rìsing.

                    #122492 Reply

                      After a few years they will be so dry that all the soaking in the world won’t result in a soft cooked bean.

                      Save the $ 8n cooking fuel and frustration of boiling and boiling beans that wont go soft and toss them.

                      #122493 Reply

                        Soak in 8 cups water and 2 tbsp baking soda. Soak overnight. Rinse. Then into a pot covered with 2 inches of water above beans and 1 tbsp salt. Cover.

                        Boil 15 minutes. Set at a bare simmer for as many hours as it takes to soften. Check frequently to monitor progress.

                        Faster in a pressure cooker or instant pot.

                        If after hours the beans are soft but not creamy, you can puree to make a dip or smooth bean soup or refried beans.

                        #122494 Reply

                          They will take extra soaking and more cooking time, but they’ll still be wonderful.

                          #122495 Reply

                            Soaked the beans overnight with enough water and add a teaspoon of baking soda they will tenderize the beans.

                            Throw the water out the next day and add another teaspoon of baking soda and cook them before you make the soup.

                            #122496 Reply

                              If you don’t see any powder or little insects, they may be ok. However I always soak beans at least 12 hours because it makes them more digestible

                              #122497 Reply

                                I would soak overnight and then boil/simmer in salted water. You won’t be wasting anything that way.

                                If they soften up, make your soup

                                #122498 Reply

                                  I cook old beans in the crockpot, and they come out perfect every time.

                                  #122499 Reply

                                    I’d use them but in something where you add a significant amount of other things with flavour.

                                    They’ve likely lost a fair amount of their own flavour.

                                    #122500 Reply

                                      They won’t soften up.. I just threw out some lentils because I didn’t know how old they were.

                                      #122501 Reply

                                        I’m doing this at the moment with dried pinto beans. I’m starting on my third day and finally seeing progress of softening.

                                        They have been on and off the stove depending on when I’m home.

                                        #122502 Reply

                                          If you have hard water, make sure to use filtered. I cook beans in instant pot, game changer, always turn out great and I don’t pre soak.

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