Best affordable flea, tick & heartworm prevention for dogs?

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  • #127685 Reply

      Best bang for your buck for dog flea, tick, heart work prevention medication? I have two Blue heeler pups.

      We’ve been using nextguard plus but it’s $50/tablet. So I’m spending $100 per month for this.

      It is a necessity for them as we live in a heavily wooded area with all kinds of ticks.

      We lost a cat to RMSF even with prevention.

      So not doing it is not an option.

      #127686 Reply

        Usually it is cheaper to buy 6 months to 1 year supply at a time. Many vet clinics offer discounts/rebates when you do that. Sometimes Chewy has a deal on them as well.

        Some low cost wellness and spay/neuter clinics also offer preventions at a discounted rate. You may just have to call around your area to see.

        My dog gets Nexgard and Heartgard. But there’s Bravecto, ProHeart, Interceptor Plus, and more and depending on your area some many be cheaper than others.

        #127687 Reply

          We have our dog’s Simparica Trio prescription filled at Costco.

          I didn’t realize this was an option, but it saves us quite a bit!

          #127688 Reply

            Hopefully it won’t get affected by the tariff war, but I get all my flea and tick meds from CanadaPetCare online.

            It’s the same meds and you don’t need a prescription. Many US animal rescues go this route to save money.

            Never been disappointed.

            #127689 Reply

              Last year some posted about this company in Australia that ships world wide, no written script necessary.

              I basically got 6mos worth of preventatives for my cats for the cost of 1 month here in the U.S. even with the $10-15 shipping fee.

              Just plan ahead since delivery can take up to a month.

              They don’t carry nexguard plus but they do carry nexguard spectra which is ALL the things.

              #127690 Reply

                I split the med between the 2 pets. If. They each weight 25 pounds get 1 tube for a 50 pound dog and split between them.

                You can do the same thing with heartworm meds

                #127691 Reply

                  Seresto collars and I usually do the 6 month heartworm prevention shot.

                  If you go on the seresto website, you can usually get a bulk deal.

                  #127692 Reply

                    I use Simparica Trio – Petsmart will typically offer sales during the spring if you have a “Treats” account.

                    Usually like 5-10x the amount of points – last year I got over $100 credit after ordering for my two dogs which I used for dog food.

                    Use with rakuten (bonus if you can wait until they are doing 10% cash back) which also helps.

                    I used to use the drops and would buy the largest dosage and split between my two dogs but the last 2 years I find the drops just aren’t working anymore – switched to pills and zero issues.

                    #127693 Reply

                      We have an ACD as well as a JRT and a Border collie puppy.
                      Until they reach weight, you have to buy one pillow at a time and it’s expensive!

                      When you can buy six months at a time because the steady weight we buy from Costco, it’s less expensive than buying from the vet or even the online pet pharmacies.

                      #127694 Reply

                        From a vet tech point of view, I would stick with the Nexgard plus. Especially since you said you lived in a tick heavy area.

                        #127695 Reply

                          Seresto collars are ideal. They last 8 months. Comes to less than 10 a months. They work fabulously.

                          If you dog is safely taking fits and tick meds currently then they should have no issues (because I know ppl are going to jump all over me to say they are dangerous).

                          We’ve used them successfully for years with no adverse effects.

                          They are safe.

                          #127696 Reply

                            Check on Chewy. You might be able to get it cheaper. I personally think it’s worth spending the extra month for Nextguard.

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