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Her children can’t be with her on Mother’s Day; so, I took her out to dinner this evening. Going out on Mother’s Day was not an option. It’s overcrowded, overpriced and the food usually isn’t as good. Just an unpleasant experience overall. I’ve tried it.
The restaurant was full of young employees. There were extremely kind and respectful. They showed us how to order so that we had food for tonight and tomorrow. Turned out they gave us so much food that we have enough for the next two days, probably four for me, as I am not a big eater all at once. It’s healthy food, too.
Yes, I splurged and spend $70. But, it was worth it to lift her spirit. I’ll probably still go by her house on Mother’s Day so she isn’t alone.
Sometimes, you have to let the money go. I’ll make it up somewhere else. Thanks for listen Frugalers.
SweetThis is so sweet of you and so true! Yes, sometimes we do not need to be frugal! Some things are worth the splurge! Your sister is lucky to have you!
LeeThere is a time to be frugal- so you can SPLURGE on things like this!! Nothing is as important to me as showing family love- having cousins gather makes lifelong fond memories! And God Bless you for caring for your sister!
LeahSounds like a wonderful sisterly outing and good for the soul. And sometimes spending some quality time and a little extra money is worth the memories. And you seem like you got a few meals out of it.
Way to be a great sister.
SarahThat’s what being frugal is for; so you can freely afford to do things like this when needed. You’re very kind to treat your sister to a night out.
KJ QuiltySometimes you have to forget about the checkbook and do what your heart tells you is right. You were a marvelous, caring sister. Nothing can possibly be wrong with that.
JenniferThis is a great example of using money as the tool it is, you did something nice and meaningful for your sister and it sounds like you actually got a good deal with some extra food- well done!
AbbieBeing frugal so you have the money to spend on what’s important. Making memories. And showing love. You’re a special sister.
GailThis is one of the KEY REASONS to be frugal…so that we free up resources in order to be able to be a BLESSING to others. I’m sure you don’t need to be told, but maybe you’d like to hear it: The $70 is small in comparison to what you each received from the experience. I’d say you got quite the bargain after all. Way to nail it!! This is so wonderful!
StephanieThere is a thing called life. We have to live it as it comes up. It has no rewind for “I should have spent more time with my sister “. This is why you are frugal ,so you can do things like that which matter.
TracyWell, if I did the math right, that’s 7 meals for $70. That you don’t have to cook. That you got so share with your sister and make her heart smile. Some things are priceless.
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