Switching from Geico to pay-as-you-go insurance—thoughts?

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  • #121614 Reply

      I was thinking of switching to my car insurance which is currently Geico costing around 115 per month to a pay as you go program because I am a remote employee and drive less than 10,000 miles per year.

      Something like allstate mile wise.

      Have any of you ever made the switch and what did you think?

      #121615 Reply

        Yes, I would shop your insurance policies every 2-3 years.

        #121616 Reply

          I got State Farm with the Drive Safe and Save monitoring app. My insurance got cut in half because it knows how few miles I drive.

          #121617 Reply

            Yes, all the time – I factor low mileage in as well because I WFH and only put 5-6k on my car each year.

            I have my broker review my home, auto, and landlord insurance each January as part of my overall personal financial audit and switch if another reputable insurer can beat my current rate or provide more at the same cost.

            #121618 Reply

              Geico has a plan for remote workers. You have to call them and tell them you work from home and drive x amout of miles.

              My daughter drives less than 1k miles a year.

              #121619 Reply

                Following because I’m considering a similar switch to Lemonade now that they offer auto in my state (they bought Metromile which I know was a favorite of the FI community).

                I drive less than 7k miles a year but am worried about the occasional road trip becoming pricey with pay-by-mile

                #121620 Reply

                  Be wary of the implications of your insurance company having that level of data. Hard stops are seen as risky but can also be a sign of attentive driving in a complex area, for instance.

                  hard acceleration can mean safe merging, but that may come through as bad from the data. Also, you don’t know the future implications.

                  We have one car and have it listed as “pleasure” because we don’t drive it for work

                  #121621 Reply

                    Geico also offers a low mileage rate. You fill out a form and send it in.

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