VOO dropped after I invested $125K—should I sell or hold?

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  • #126882 Reply

      Please help. I put 125k in VOO about two weeks ago and of course it has dropped. With all the uncertainty …

      1) Should I pull it out for now and put it back in HYSA?

      2) Leave it?

      3) Other suggestions?

      #126883 Reply

        Not the best feeling but would you quit a basketball game down 5 to 10 in the first few minutes?

        #126884 Reply

          Do u believe it will rise again?
          If not, what is your plan to do with the money for it to grow?

          #126885 Reply

            John Bogle once said, “nobody knows nothin”… Basically means nobody can predict anything.

            I would just keep it invested and wait it out.

            #126886 Reply

              Dollar cost averaging helps even everything out over time…. But I don’t know why people are panicking this is like a tiny blip and your time horizon should be decades.

              If you need money in the short term that probably shouldn’t have been invested in the market to begin with so there’s your lesson.

              #126887 Reply

                For those new to investing, it can be uncomfortable when this happens, but ride it out.

                If you pull out your money now, you’ll crystallise the loss, but if you don’t, your funds have the chance to recover.

                After a few years of investing, you’ll become blasé about market dips.

                #126888 Reply

                  Do you need it for the short term? Is this your emergency fund? Those are the only reasons to have money in a HYSA.

                  For long term just keep making regular investments and stop looking at the market day to day.

                  #126889 Reply

                    If you’re close to retirement, maybe pull some of it out. If you’re not close to retirement, just leave it in there

                    #126890 Reply

                      You only lose money if you sell. Leave it. If you’re nervous, wait a bit to put in more if you want, but don’t sell what you will have lost money on.

                      #126891 Reply

                        Start to educate yourself, so you can begin to feel more informed, grounded, confident, and sure.

                        The best first step is usually to read the JL Collins book, the simple path to wealth.

                        #126892 Reply

                          Best way would have been to slowly buy in. If you are panicking with this small volatility the market may not be for you.

                          But do remember that 77% of the time the market ends the year higher.

                          Time in the market will almost always beat timing the market.

                          #126893 Reply

                            “Time in the market” is an intelligent way to invest. “Timing the market” is extremely difficult.

                            #126894 Reply

                              The way I deal with drops is you look at the shares you have, you didn’t lose any shares, you just lost value per share.

                              Hold and it will come back k.

                              #126895 Reply

                                Happens all the time, just leave it, I dont even skip a beat, I see tens of thousands of dollars up and down each day.

                                But yeah, when I started, I was like you too.

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