What are the benefits of rebalancing my 457 plan and how often?

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  • #120607 Reply

      I’ve never rebalanced my 457 plan through work that I opened about 14 years ago. I retire in about 4 years (2029) and currently have it in a “2045 target” fund (going high risk to make up for all the years I missed contributing into it).

      I’ll have a pension when I retire so the 457 plan will be for extra money as needed.

      What are the benefits of rebalancing and how often should it do it?

      #120608 Reply

        Target date funds are far from high risk.
        High fees, low returns and WAY too conservative.

        #120609 Reply

          Target date funds rebalance automatically. They are to “set it and forget it”.

          #120610 Reply

            I too have a 457b with 2045 and 2050 target funds. Not sure what to do with it.

            Is it possible to roll over to my IRA with Schwab?

            #120611 Reply

              Goggle your funds name and “glide path”. You should see something like this image.

              As you can see, it automatically adjusts your % in each holding, making it more conservative and less susceptible to the larger potential losses that come with equities/stocks as time goes on.

              The target date fund rebalances itself.

              My approach is different. My 401k is comprised of 2 funds. I rebalance once a year in January.

              #120612 Reply

                TDF aren’t high risk. They’re designed to rebalance themselves

                #120613 Reply

                  I have a Vanguard Target 2055 fund in my 457b. It feels less risky to me than the 100% equities I have in my other retirement accounts.

                  Less return but also less risk and these are the funds I will access first once I leave my job in a year or so.

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