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Hello! I just turned 30 and I would like to start being smart when it comes to my financial decisions. I would like to in the best way prepare me and my husband for retirement.
We both have TSP, but is there any other accounts I could open now that would benefit us and who to open with?
Also I would like to open stuff up for both of my kids one for a car and then one when they get old enough to either go to there first house or school.
Any advice is greatly appreciated! I didn’t really have parents growing up and I don’t have any now. So I wasn’t really taught about any of this stuff except in life experience!
We currently have emergency savings with $1,500, and we have a backup with ally that we can’t see and to withdraw it would take weeks with $9,000 in it and then I have two savings accounts for my kids in the same place with about $200 in each.
Is there anything I can do to prepare us and my kids better for the future?
JudeTalk with your employers and see what retirement benefits they offer. Some employers also offer free financial planning education.
Invest in a Roth, not a traditional 401k if you have a choice.
The money grows tax free. Put as much as possible into retirement. You cannot get a loan for retirement.
Look into college savings plans for your kids.
I wouldn’t bother to save for a car for them. Let them use your car as long as possible.
JaniceTake the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University course!! I am completely out of debt now.
DarlaConsult Dave Ramsey’s Baby Steps
Meet with a CPA/Tax planner
Seek out a Financial AdvisorConsult with an estate attorney
All of the professionals can talk with one another to help you make the best investments and with the most tax benefits.
LeslieLook into Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace program. It is a good place to start. Practical and a solid plan.
PattyWrite down every expenditure now to see where your money is currently going. That will help you make a better budget for your future goals.
Yes, you need a bigger emergency fund.
MelissaI would make a priority to save up an emergency fund worth six months salary.
LisaSee if your library has’The Only Investment Book You’ll Ever Need’ I found it helpful when I was starting out
JackieRoth IRA is the best deal. Not tax free now but your contributions and dividends are not taxable when you retire.
CarlaYou need to consult with a reputable financial planner.
Each person’s goals and circumstances is different.Also, as a word of caution, it’s not a good idea to put any financial information online, for obvious reasons
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