Will AI reshape careers: threat or opportunity? Your thoughts?

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  • #119935 Reply

      Automation and AI: A Threat or Opportunity for Our Careers? I recently came across some fascinating passages from “The Singularity Is Nearer” by Ray Kurzweil, discussing how automation and AI could reshape the job market.

      Kurzweil argues that while certain jobs will be automated, new ones will emerge, transforming how we work and even enhancing human potential.

      He envisions a future where AI becomes an extension of ourselves, much like smartphones today.

      I’m really curious to hear what you all make of these insights, especially given how savvy you all are about careers and investments.

      How might these technological shifts impact our professional landscapes and potentially the stock market?

      What do you think? Will AI empower us or create challenges too big to overcome?

      #119936 Reply

        Why not ask an ai? If the ai isn’t smart enough or reliable enough to give you a trustworthy answer, what makes you think it’s going to upend anything with actual stakes?

        Like with most technology, you’ve provided a false dichotomy – it will empower us _and_ create challenges too big to overcome.

        Everything we’ve overcome throughout human history has solved some set of problems only to reveal even more.

        #119937 Reply

          I do think many jobs will be lost to automation (it’s already happening) and I’m not sure how those jobs will be replaced.

          If productivity increases perhaps more people can work part time.

          But I think at some point we’ll need to look into some sort of universal basic income because the need for human labor will diminish and it’ll be either that or mass homelessness

          #119938 Reply

            All new technology drives change: whether it’s AI, the crossbow, or the horseless carriage. While I understand many folks concerns…

            I’m old enough to remember when people openly fretted about their job vanishing due to the adoption of the desktop computer and how the internet would destroy the stock market.

            In the long run, people are pretty resilient and adaptive.

            #119939 Reply

              Early ways we will feel this is not direct but indirect job losses.
              I don’t expect a firing spree but instead a sort of hiring freeze for some jobs.

              You could support 5 clients today but over next few years that grows to 12 then to 20.

              During that time, people leave, get promoted, retire, etc but their jobs are not back filled.

              Hence your growth in clients managed.
              You will be told the ai tools make your job more efficient so this is manageable.

              You will have to decide if that is true or not.

              #119940 Reply

                It’s a disruptive technology for sure. There certainly are going to be whole industries wiped out. I mean there are already AI powered driverless taxis in some cities.

                For most industries though, it’s going to be workers who sutiliza AI tools well replacing workers who don’t.

                #119941 Reply

                  If anything Quantum Computers will 1) Break AI or enhance it 2) Break crypto as we know today and those with the foresight will make the next trillions of dollars.

                  With Crypto being more and more mainstream, the Fed and Banks will continue to lobby against, and is those with AI and programming skills that will come out ahead, and probably the NSA/CIA truly running the country with some talking head on a podium.

                  #119942 Reply

                    If AI means we become The Culture we are in good shape. If AI is Skynet it’s a problem. If AI is a nothing burger then it’s 2000 again (ie dot.com bubble crash).

                    I can’t hedge the Skynet scenario so I don’t worry about it.

                    #119943 Reply

                      Paula Pant with afford anything says the people that learn how to use AI will not be the ones left behind.

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