Top tips on a BUDGET › Forums Create New Topic This forum has 1,255 topics, 13,992 replies, and was last updated by . Viewing 25 topics - 1,231 through 1,255 (of 1,255 total) ← 1 2 3 … 40 41 42 Topic Voices Posts Last Post Can anybody recommend How to get rust off a kitchen sink? Started by: USER 0 15 Stainless draining boards – How does everyone get them properly clean? Started by: USER 0 5 I’m after a Hoover that’s lightweight cordless and handheld Started by: Tammy 0 8 My problem with the hand towel Started by: Danielle 0 7 How to clean tea marks from carpet? Started by: Honey 0 4 UPVC Windows – Any ideas anyone, has anyone managed to clean off similar? Started by: Emma 0 4 I’m looking for recommendations for a light weight hoover? Started by: Julia 0 3 Got the candy o grita dryer – How do I put it on low heat? Started by: Loz 0 6 My son has drawn on my sofa with a black biro pen, are there any tips at removing it? Started by: USER 0 5 Was wondering how to clean laminate flooring that has grooves in! Started by: Anne 0 2 Can I soak my husbands paintball top in Vanish? Started by: Vicky 0 7 I need some cheap/effective cleaning solutions Started by: Sophie 0 3 My washing machine stinks like old socks and all my clothes are smelling as well now Started by: Louise 0 5 I bought a summer house and decided to insulate/board it myself to save money Started by: Shen 0 4 Has anyone put glitter in clear varnish please? If so how did it turn out? Started by: Courtney 0 4 Where is the best place to buy a corner sofa? Started by: Mellissa 0 6 Can anyone post pictures of there microwave on the wall please Started by: Innocent 0 3 Anyone put a curved 55in (or close too) TV on the wall? Started by: Mellissa 0 5 Best place to buy cheap but nice wallpaper? Started by: Colette 0 4 Does anyone know how to remove algae from a yard when you have a dog regular using it? Started by: USER 0 5 Moving house and I have no idea what I’m doing Started by: USER 0 4 I need serious box room help! Started by: Emma 0 2 Washing machine leaked yesterday Started by: Lyn 0 6 Roughly how much would it cost for basic floor to ceiling built in wardrobes/storage for a kids room? Started by: Colette 0 5 Can I bleed radiators with boiler running, not combi? Started by: Julia 0 4 Viewing 25 topics - 1,231 through 1,255 (of 1,255 total) ← 1 2 3 … 40 41 42 Create New Topic in “Top tips on a BUDGET” Your information: Name (required): Mail (will not be published) (required): Website: Topic Title (Maximum Length: 200): Submit