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Have seen alot of mixed views (comments) over the years on here in regards to Crypto. Are people views changing now the big banks and investment firms buying it in the form of ETFs?
AnnaCrypto is the future. Haters gonna hate.
NatI regret not buying BTC at 27k. I knew FTC was very close to approving BTC for ETFs and didn’t act on it, very foolish of me. Today BTC is 52k. But I am not losing on ETH.
ETH ETFs are coming it’s just a matter of time. Get in before too late.
CapI don’t think anyone’s views are changing. People who believe in it will continue to think it’s going to the moon. People who are skeptical will remain skeptical.
Things like BTC will either fall out completely or eventually stabilize and stop generating massive returns. Might happen tomorrow, might happen in 2035. To me that makes it a speculative play, which has a place in many portfolios, but not at the position size that most people who buy crypto hold.
AliceThe participation of major financial institutions, banks, and investment firms in the cryptocurrency space has provided a level of legitimacy to the industry. This involvement is often viewed as a positive sign, suggesting that traditional finance is recognizing the value and potential of cryptocurrencies.
particularly Bitcoin, as a potential hedge against inflation. In times of economic uncertainty or when traditional assets may be underperforming, cryptocurrencies are sometimes viewed as a store of value.
BrooksIt’s simply not an investment. It’s speculation.
When you buy stock, you are buying into a company that generates value and that value is shared back to the shareholders.
When you buy bonds and hysa, You are lending the money to somebody who will then pay you back more..
When you buy crypto, you’re buying something that only has value if other people someday want it for some reason. It’s no different than buying beanie babies or Barbies. Some people could be right… And there may be a lot of demand for them. Or you could be wrong and there’s going to be no demand for them.
And I’m not anti crypto…. I own some and I think someday it will be used for currency… But I buy it as speculation because I am trying to speculate on what the future holds.
JosephI have and always will invest in companies not something virtual or digital.
The day I invest in a crypto would be the day I own my own country and it shall be called “This Land”.
ScottWhether a bank gets greedy and wants to cash in on vaporware does not influence me in the slightest. It’s too volatile to be a currency, it isn’t needed to produce anything, so it’s not a commodity, it’s entire value prop is the block chain technology that you can do without any particular token.
It only has value to the extent some one is willing to pay more for it than you did, just like stamps, or cabbage patch dolls, or art, it’s fine, but it will only ever be play money for me…
HunterI own an investment firm and don’t have a single dime of crypto in any of mind or my clients accounts. These new crypto ETFs are just a scheme to get more money under management, and in turn collect more in fees.
It in no way is a reflection of the legitimacy or value of crypto.
MitchCrypto makes up over 40% of our portfolio.
The people that allow their view to change are those that are willing to learn about new technology.
The people who don’t allow their view to change, probably still buy gold.
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