Best use of $150K besides S&P 500?

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  • #125354 Reply

      I have 150k still sitting in a HYSA. Other than S&P 500 what are your thoughts on the most productive use of this money?

      If you had $150K to invest but wanted to diversify beyond the S&P 500, where would you put it? Looking for ideas across different asset classes—real estate, bonds, alternative investments, or even business ventures.

      What would be your top pick and why?


      #125355 Reply

        A money market fund within your brokerage account will likely give you a slightly better return than your HYSA.

        Compare their SEC yields to your HYSA APY.

        #125356 Reply

          Without knowing the purpose of the money, nobody can really answer that

          #125357 Reply

            Other than investing it in S&P 500 maybe pay any high interest debt off

            #125358 Reply

              A 5-year timeframe might be a bit short for the S&P 500, but if you’re comfortable with some additional risk, you could consider splitting between T-Bills and the S&P 500.

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