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I know I am one of the few who still do this (balance my checkbook). But does anyone else do it still (like I would have that sucker down to the penny) or do you just itemize your statements?
In today’s digital age, does anyone still balance their checkbook manually, or do most people just rely on online statements and transaction history?
I’m curious to know if traditional checkbook balancing is still a common habit or if it’s becoming obsolete. How do you personally keep track of your finances?
JoelI use Quicken and balance all of my accounts regularly!
Haven’t used a Paper Register this century!DannyI use YNAB so all accounts are reconciled to the penny including credit cards
LaceyYes, but not in the old fashion 90’s way. In the “geriatric millennial” anti-app Excel way
What I do is make a monthly cashflow plan in excel that breaks out everything I expect to deposit and be paid out of my checking account for that month.
I watch my account to make sure all that activity happens according to plan and tweak my spreadsheet as necessary for accuracy.
Then, since I do all my day-to-day spending on a points credit card… I keep a running ledger for those transactions, and I have a “spending target” for categories of my life… groceries, gas, eating out, motorcycle shit, etc.
I allocate charges against those categories so I can see how I’m doing at all times against the target. I keep this cc reconciliation tight – about a 5 min chore once a week.
My credit card statement closes on the 1st of each month, so all of January’s spending is paid in full in February … so therefore February’s checking account cashflow will incorporate payment of januarys credit card spending.
Sounds complicated when I explain it like that I guess, but it’s a really good workflow spreadsheet that is dialed into the way my brain works… and scratches the itch of always having down-to-the-penny accuracy.
RickI haven’t in a long time but I think it is because I did as you do for a long time and then I ynab’d for long time again.
Combined they have created some kinda muscle memory or neural memory that I am in touch or in the flow with all bills and spend etc and what my accounts show via app.
StaceyI don’t write check but balance my excel spreadsheet
I never did it down to the penny though….I round to dollars
VickiI carry mine with me in my purse and check it several times a week!
KarenI don’t even review my statements. I keep a spreadsheet of all outgoing items 3 years running and validate against real time balances practically daily.
ValerieEvery morning. I still use Quicken too. But I am an accountant.
DesireeI still use a paper register Have to buy them online now. I record everything there, even credit card purchases.
Gives me a warm and fuzzy.
NancyNope. I used to love doing that. I remember going after the band for two accounts decades ago that was like $1.10.
KristinYNAB I reconcile my checking, savings, and credit cards a couple times a week.
I know exactly what I have and how much I have spent on everything down to the penny.
JeffI round and don’t balance my checkbook and haven’t ever in at least 35 years.
When I open a new checking account I throw a couple hundred in there and don’t enter it in the checkbook as a buffer and don’t really worry about it.
EricaI keep a virtual checkbook in excel so I can forecast regular expenses and income, and model different saving and spending scenarios.
And yes, I balance it periodically
EthelIs there a reason why you “balance” it? Other than wanting to know where the money goes every paycheck?
AshleyI have an Excel sheet that self balances when I click a button. Does that count?
CathyIt’s electronic but I definitely reconcile! I don’t know how people don’t- they must have way too much cash in their checking account.
DheerajDumb question: What is balancing checkbook?
I know what a checkbook is and I know you can get duplicate entries on some checkbooks when you write checks, but I don’t think I know what’s balance a checkbook.JessicaI check my account daily and I round up when I balance my checkbook. For example transaction of $34.25 = $35
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