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Looking for affordable ways to feed over 50+ people for my daughter’s second birthday. I was laid off from work a few months ago so I don’t want to break the bank but still want people to be properly fed.
I’m estimating 50+, it might be a lot less.
We haven’t gotten RSVPs yet. We have a big family and invited friends with their kids.
Figured since it was at home – we could get away with more people since we’re not at a venue or restaurant.
ShirleyCake and ice cream is standard fare for birthdays. Especially for a one year old. There is no need to provide a meal.
SherryPotluck, you provide a main course and have everyone else bring sides and snacks
MariaCostco pizza, huge pizza. Have them cut into squares. I saw a lady doing this yesterday bought 8.
MaryCut down on the number of people. Close friends and relatives should understand just cake and ice cream.
Start the party not at lunch time.
Have it start at 2.
Remember she is one and will just enjoy the people and presents.
LillyBaked potato bar with all kinds of toppings….chili, cheese, sour cream, chives, butter…..or meatballs either ziti, lasagna…..
small smash cake for the guest of honor and then cupcakes for everyone else…ShopRite makes amazing cakes…and pull apart cupcake cakes….
PennySloppy joes (usually pretty inexpensive) with chips, cake, and ice cream. Also beverages are expensive.
Stick with Kool aid/lemonade or tea!
DeborahMake your own giant sub sandwiches and cut in small slices . Walmart has loaves for $1 .
Get lunch meat & cheese on sale . Chips . Or mostacholi you can make a big batch for cheap & put out French bread & butter . Hotdog bar ,
put hotdogs in crockpot no water just hotdogs . Put out toppings . Chips
KhalfaHomemade cake
Homemade icecream with 3 types of topping (let guests choose and sprinkle by themselves)Tacos – serve like buffet guests choose what they want in their tacos)
Some homemade drinksThats it!
KimberlyThis is her second birthday. Setting a precedence will cause the party to get bigger each year.
You have to decide your own financial burden you want to bear.
I had one child and I had big landmark birthday parties (age 1, 16, and 21) and kept the other years to family cake and ice cream.
MiahMaybe in the future give people a date to RSVP by (if you haven’t this time).
Cupcakes are easier to make than a whole cake.
Have a hot dog bar instead – slice the buns, have toppings like cheese, pickles, scallions, black beans, onions and standard condiments.
I’d get a few pitchers of lemonade (different flavours), pitchers of water and also serve coffee and tea.
Have a small table where people can put gifts on, and put a gift on it first so people know what the table is for.
Other than that I’d cut up some cucumbers, celery, carrots and baby tomatoes.
Prioritize the RSVP date though, so you don’t waste food or buy more than you need.
CrystalI’d take her to the park and do cupcakes and juice. Kids parties are for kids to enjoy.
Save the money for another year when she’s older.
ShelleyHave the party between meals and just have some finger foods and cake and ice cream.
DesireeChips, dip, cake, ice cream, you can even make a hot dip or two (buffalo chicken, spinach artichoke) to bump up your offerings.
Also acceptable if you insist on food is adding a hot dog bar to the chips and dips and maybe a vegetable tray.
Shouldn’t be more than $100 if you shop wisely.
MicheleBake cupcakes, bbq hotdogs, fry and bag of onions ahead and put in crock pot, homemade macaroni salad, buy a flat of eggs and do deviled eggs.
Or ask family to help, do potluck, true family and friends will understand your situation and help!
Or make it a smaller event, cake you bake and ice cream.
And a smaller group.
A case of water and tell people to bring there coolers and chairs.
NatalieI always over-invite. I like to be inclusive. I also end up with too much food, because I over buy and invariably some families or people get sick or don’t show up.
So please don’t worry to much.
I also try to get things that I would like to have as leftovers.
I used to make and orzo sald for potlucks that everyone loves.
Pasta/pasta salad can be an affordable option that is filling.
A lot of people offer to bring something, maybe say yes to them this time.
I think it is lovely that you are planning a large celebration.
I don’t cook much these days, but if I think of something good and affordable.
TriciaGet a few packs of sausages(slice diagonally), potatoes, onions, & peppers, it stretches the meat but still very filling.
And start shopping the sales now to stock up on snacks or other people’s suggestions here.
JudyPot luck. Times are tough for lots of folks so everyone chipping in a little makes sense.
You will provide the cake and the reason to gather and celebrate.
Happy birthday!
TracySpaghetti. Buy jars of sauce and dry pasta. Throw a salad on the side.
Cake for dessert.
Loaf of French bread with garlic butter is usually $.99 at Walmart.
KerryHot dogs w/chili and chips with toppings, or spaghetti w/salad and garlic bread.
Make your own cake with boxed cake mixes doctored up and ice cream.
Maybe a few kinds of candy in pretty bowls (kids would love that).
Doesn’t have to be super fancy for a 2 year olds birthday.
Just make it look cute with table cloths, trays, bowls, cute paper plates and napkins.
All can be from the dollar tree.
Good luck!
BeLindaChili, hot dogs, potato bar, pasta bar. The trick is to make the biggest part of the meal the cheapest.
Hit up the food banks and see what they have to offer and plan off that.
Shop around at your stores for the best prices.
Congrats on the new house I’m sure your family and friends will be excited to celebrate with you and welcome your daughter into another year of exploring.
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