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After months of being gaslit and lied to about paydays, I quit my part time caregiving job yesterday.
Looking for ideas on how to cut back and also make an extra $400 a month, so we don’t drown while I look for something else.
I’m looking for practical advice Whether it’s through budgeting tips, cutting unnecessary costs, or creative side gigs, I’d love to hear your ideas!
If you’ve found effective ways to save money or have side hustles that bring in extra cash, please share your experiences.
I’m open to a variety of suggestions, from lifestyle changes to part-time work or freelance opportunities.
What strategies have worked best for you?
RegeneCut your streaming, eating out or delivery in, limit holiday spending, shut off lights, turn down heat by 2° or AC up by 2°, make coffee at home, drink water, inventory pantry & toiletries cabinet before
purchasing anything but essentials, unless you work a messy job, use less detergent and you may be able to wear some clothes multiple times
MerandaWhile we can make suggestions based off common spending habits or our own exp. The best thing is to go print off the last 3 months statements and highlight all of the non essentials.
Sit down and discuss the budgetting plan partner/spouse if you have one.
Gas station snacks, vices(cigs/alcohol/other drugs), streaming, shopping, eating out, excessive internet or phone bill package.
I’m in kansas so this time of year the ac gets turned off. Cold, shut windows.
Hot, we open them. I also cook a lot of soups and stews, I can get by with half meat portions and double the beans and rice.
MelissaIf kids are in public school, ask for the free meal application due to a change in income.
JanIn my are caregiving is always looking for help. You shouldn’t miss much time
CindyIf someone owes you money for services carry them to small claims court.
MaryDo you have your State Tested Nurse Aide certification? If so, you could try PRN shifts at various facilities?
JackyI have been using serving size for all of my food. You would be surprised at the amount of food. 2oz. pasta, 4 oz.
meat, and then good amount of veg and it really fills you up.
It also makes my food last longer. If I open a box of pasta, I am thinking of different meals until it is used up.
Pasta salad, pasta and sauce, pasta with garlic, etc. Best wishes!!
TeresaDefinitely report them to DoL for non-payment if they haven’t made things right.
It’s hard to say what to cut back on without knowing current spending, but pretty much cut back on all “extras”, whatever they may be.
Stores are starting to gear up on seasonal employment, so I’d check out jobs there, as well as any other care-giving opportunities that may show up.
SusanGo thru budget w/ fine tooth comb, eliminate all spending that is not an immediate & absolute need. Know the difference between a need & a want.
Meal plan based on pantry, fridge & freezer, then supplement with rice, dried beans & potatoes and other needs based on grocery sales ads. Eat less meat.
Soups, stews & casseroles are great budget stretchers, as are pancakes for dinner from time to time. We save a lot by cooking from scratch.
Use a crock pot for when you’re back to work Turn heat down & wear a sweater or ac up.
Cluster errands. Wash in cold water, use less detergent. Do you have extra items in the household you can sell, can you pet sit, walk dogs, provide childcare in the other persons home (will cut down on your utilities).
I lived thru a very rough season & even went w/o heat 1 winter except a small plug in heater right were my 2 kiddos & I sat in the evening doing our homework.
Look at food pantries in your area & fb buy nothing groups for your needs.
Short term sacrifice for a long term gain. Use the public library. Wishing you all the best.
Once you’re working again start an emergency fund. Raise the deductibles on insurance once you’ve got an emergency savings
AmyYou can make a little taking surveys with Prolific surveys. Connected it to PayPal and request a check. It’s legit. The check arrives.
MichelleI donate plasma to get extra money for my bills (or extra spending). I used to donate whole blood every 8 weeks to help “mankind”. I then learned that I could donate plasma, to still help people in need, AND get paid for it.
You donate twice a week (they need 2 collections to make a full dose of plasma).
I get $130 a week ($45 first, $85 second, they REALLY want you to make sure you do the 2nd donation so you get more the 2nd time).
($520 a month) Depending on how busy the center is, I spend 1 to 1-1/2 hrs there (most is waiting to be checked in and have a seat available, donation is 30-45 mins).
I watch videos/movies on my phone, play games, read a book, scroll through social media, etc. 2 hours of down time, get paid, help others, WIN WIN WIN.
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