How can I repurpose old coffee containers?

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  • #125508 Reply

      I have a bunch of coffee containers that I probably could have thrown away. Any ideas how to repurpose them or craft with them?

      I would love to find creative ways to repurpose them instead of throwing them away. Whether it’s for storage, DIY projects, or something unexpected, I’m open to all ideas!

      How do you reuse your old coffee containers?

      #125509 Reply

        I use them for storage. I suppose they could be fashioned into planters.

        #125510 Reply

          Put all your dead batteries and turn the whole thing into the house hold hazardous waste collection center.

          Also, put you old expired meds in them and then take to the haz waste or other med disposal center.

          #125511 Reply

            Great toilet paper storage/holder when camping… just never know if rustic outhouses have paper..

            #125512 Reply

              I’ve used them for many things. Including putting purple ice melt in them to store in my car for emergency use in winter, paint cans, to clean paint brushes in, storing garage items, like nails, screws ect.

              For scooping various things like pet food or even BBQ pellets.

              I even put wet nasty stuff in them to throw in the trash.

              I’ve even cleaned them out very well and stored food items for the freezer. Endless uses and I NEVER throw them out.

              #125513 Reply

                We often have too many protein powder canisters laying around and got rid of some that way. I think college kids or other people new to their own space like them for kitchen storage.

                My husband buys coffee in bags and likes to store in containers. A friend took one to use as a donation box in her business.

                My sister in law uses containers to scoop cat litter clumps into.

                People that don’t drink coffee might be very happy to take some off your hands

                #125514 Reply

                  I gave mine to a neighbor who has a greenhouse. She will use them for plants.

                  #125515 Reply

                    Use for crafting, storing craft items inside, yarn, buttons, screws, use for flour, sugar, dried pasta, beans

                    #125516 Reply

                      Put your broken glass in them, keeps glass from cutting thru trash bag

                      #125517 Reply

                        I use them as sort of mini garbage cans. If you keep one in your car, you can throw trash in it and keep the lid on it and then throw the whole thing in a dumpster or trashcan when it gets full.

                        I use it in my kitchen to hold Wet or nasty trash and then toss it in the dumpster when it’s full.

                        I live in an apartment where we have a dumpster.

                        #125518 Reply

                          For holding and disposing of kitchen scraps. Onion peels, potatoes peels. Keeps odors down on trash.

                          #125519 Reply

                            Going forward, I buy coffee beans and ground coffee in bags. Sooner or later the containers will end up in landfill.

                            A small percentage of what we recycle actually gets recycled.

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