How did you rebuild savings after a major financial setback?

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  • #127374 Reply

      Hi all, Feeling incredibly discouraged. Many personal finance guides state 1x gross salary saved by age 30 and 3x by age 40 to be on track for a “normal” retirement.

      This is on top of a 3-6 month emergency fund and other financial commitments.

      Due to a major financial setback, my savings/investment accounts were depleted and I dont see retirement in my future.

      This is so depressing….
      For anyone that had to reset, please share your stories with me!

      #127375 Reply

        I divorced at 40– he took half of what I put away for retirement since he was a spender and had nothing saved.

        I also have to pay child support but that’s temporary as kids are older teens.. Anyway, despite that, I increased my salary and went down to the bare bones for necessities.

        I pay myself first and what is left over, I use for everything else. BTW, I even have “bunny ears” for TV.

        It’s not entirely hopeless- I’m learning to live on basic things so my retirement won’t be as expensive and I won’t need as much as I thought.

        #127376 Reply

          I used to look at stuff like this but then realized that it isn’t applicable to everybody.

          It does not take into account my individual goals, timeline, and lifestyle in retirement.

          I used to stare at a chart from T Rowe Price. This one is from Fidelity.

          Consider that they want you to invest as much money with them as possible.

          #127377 Reply

            I just turned 62 about four months ago. I have been knocked down every decade of my life since I turned 20.

            As far as the basics, Dave Ramsey has got some great steps for basic steps towards financial security; and we are here for the more advanced stuff.

            Since we don’t know the specifics of your situation; I’m not sure how detailed our advice could be or would be; all I can say with limited information that you’ve given us to this point – is try to figure out what you could’ve done better and when; try to set up a plan going forward to where you don’t make the same mistakes that you might have made before; or to where you have other guardrails in place… And just keep moving forward.

            You might need to either get a side hustle or additional Education; or your original projected retirement date may have to be pushed out further.

            But a lot of people recover from setbacks, and if you got the right attitude and make the right actions, you too will recover from your setback. (Trust me on this one – I’m not a brain surgeon and I recovered from every one of mine.)

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