How to affordably escape winter for a warmer place?

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  • #127991 Reply

      I’m thinking of going somewhere warmer next winter to get some sunshine and avoid huge energy bills, has anyone done this successfully on a budget?

      If so, where did you go, and how did you keep expenses low? I’d love to hear about affordable destinations, accommodation tips, and any challenges you faced.

      Thanks in advance for sharing your experiences!

      #127992 Reply

        We call them “winter Texans”. Come to South Texas after Christmas and leave before mid April. Bring your camper.

        Spaces to rent are cheaper in small rural towns.

        Food will be comparable to where you live but you can get some pretty good deals on food.

        #127993 Reply

          This is our first year snowboarding from Iowa to Arizona in a 5th wheel. It can be done but you need to research different areas and be willing to stay where it’s less expensive.

          Arizona, Texas and Florida can really be budget busters, especially in the tourist areas. Also, some places (AZ) charge electrical on top of space rent.

          We also own our home so don’t have to worry about a mortgage payment on top of whatever kind of rental you decide on.

          That’s huge. Good luck. It’s been a phenomenal experience for us.

          #127994 Reply

            Since I’d need to maintain my home in the north, I don’t see any way renting a second place would bring any savings.

            I’d miss my family, friends and activities too much.

            Where I live you also can’t insure an unoccupied home so that’s a big problem also.

            #127995 Reply

              I don’t know how costly it is but my friend lives here in the U.S. She has a home in Wisconsin. Also, a small bungalow in Florida and she goes to Florida for the winter.

              She has a hybrid job and once in a while flies back to Wisconsin for a day or two, then back to Florida (Jan. – March) until spring.

              #127996 Reply

                Choose a developing country, SEA comes to mind, everything is less expensive.

                But ya have to worry about time and visa issues.

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