How to preserve 50+ pounds of oversized bland sweet potatoes?

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  • #118795 Reply

      Not one to turn down free food I found myself with a 50+ pound box of oversized sweet potatoes. Seriously, some of these things could be used as a football! Because they’re oversized they’re very bland.

      Fist batch cubed, parboiled, and in the cold to freeze in portion sized bags. Filled my entire stock pot. I still have enough to do this 4-5 more times.

      How would you preserve for later use? Not sure my hands can handle doing this method multiple more times

      #118991 Reply

        They will keep for a long time in a cool dry dark space

        #119283 Reply

          Baked sweet potatoes, if they don’t have good taste, sprinkle with cinnamon, honey, ginger, cardamom, butter, ghee

          I’ve seen that you can boil white potatoes skin on and then peel off after boiling, I wonder if you can do the same with sweet

          I just saw a really yummy recipe using sweet potatoes with a date nut crumble

          Use in casseroles, tacos/enchiladas

          #119468 Reply

            If you have dogs, they love it mixed in with their food. I dehydrate some about 50% for mine as treats.

            They love them.

            #119532 Reply

              I think roasting them leads to it being dry if frozen for later…baking them unpeeled and scrubbed may save them better when frozen..

              uncooked potatoes last a while in my garage

              #119533 Reply

                Cut into wedges, season heavily and roast in the oven. I have never tried to freeze them at this step but you could probably freeze in serving size containers for a side dish later.

                I would probably roast them to al dente to accommodate the reheating process.

                Also, a bake sweet potato split open and smeared with peanut butter (I know, I know – but try it before mocking it) is a full meal and delicious!

                #119534 Reply

                  Bake them. Wash rub oil on them roat them. My granny made sweet potato balls.

                  They were a wonderful treat.

                  #119535 Reply

                    I just wash and dry them and toss into the freezer raw. Take out and use like fresh.

                    I just put them with peel in the microwave, split, mash, add butter, a drizzle of maple syrup, a sprinkle of cinnamon and serve like a baked potato.

                    #119536 Reply

                      Not for preserving, but baked I their skins and served with chili lime butter is a treat.

                      I have seen recipes where they are sliced and put into the toaster instead of bread but have not tried this.

                      #119537 Reply

                        you can always call the neighbors and share the joy if you’re overwhelmed with such abundance.

                        too many sweet potatoes is a great problem to have as problems go

                        #119538 Reply

                          Baked in their skins, scooped out while still warm (helps the sweetened moisture stay in the potato instead of transfer to the skins), whipped with honey, butter, and cinnamon.

                          Our favorite steakhouse offers this as a side dish. Easy and so tasty.

                          We also make sweet potato fries.

                          I cut them up and freeze raw. When ready to bake I toss with spices (harissa works well if you like heat) and olive oil and pop them in the oven.

                          I agree about hard to work with when raw though.

                          #119539 Reply

                            My grandma would bake them unpeeled, cool and freeze in plastic bags. Thaw and heat for baked potato, make sweet potato casserole or candied yams.

                            #119540 Reply

                              I cook and mash them and freeze, I use an ice cream scooper and put it on parchment paper then into the freezer.

                              I use the frozen scoops in soups and casseroles, and defrost as a side dish.

                              #119541 Reply

                                Do you have a Instant Pot or pressure cooker or a crockpot pot? Wash & scrub the outside then pressure cook or place it crockpot with some water. Cook with skin on.

                                When done and cool enough to handle, slice skin around the middle. Then pull skin apart and flesh will slide right out.

                                You can mash and freeze it ziplock bags stack on each other.

                                Use as is or in chili, soups, brownies, pies and breads.

                                #119542 Reply

                                  Sweat potato pie, tastes like pumpkin pie. French fries, oven roasted makes them sweater.

                                  Frozen ones will be best mashed.

                                  No need to mash them just peel cut and cook, freezing will soften when like mashed

                                  #119543 Reply

                                    I actually use them in a red lentil soup with carrots, chicken bone broth, celery, garlic, and seasonings and then purée it

                                    #119544 Reply

                                      You can can them. Also, kept warm, 55F or more, they can last for over a year. If you don’t want to cook the whole thing, you can cut off a chunk.

                                      Where you cut it will scab over and the rest will keep for some time.

                                      #119545 Reply

                                        To help with the chopping, I microwave mine for just a few minutes to soften them just a bit to be able to cut them up.

                                        #119546 Reply

                                          Crock pot! They come out mushed for you or you can park cook them and freeze for later

                                          Let me look up a recipe I used to use to make mine

                                          #119547 Reply

                                            I like to bake sweet potatoes low and slow (skin on) at 300 degrees in the oven for 2 to 3 hours.

                                            At the lower temp, less of the natural sugars release.

                                            I find they are more flavorful this way- then scoop and freeze.

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