How to remove pen stains from a dryer? Will it stain clothes?

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  • #125244 Reply

      Hello all! So a few days ago i made the mistake of drying some clothes with a pen in the pocket in my NEW dryer. So yes, it is badly stained now.

      I tried acetone, vinegar and rubbing alcohol and so far nothing has worked, it barely comes out.

      What can i use? Also will it stained more clothes?

      Thank you!

      #125245 Reply

        Use hairspray then dawn dish soap for dryer and clothes. Wash clothes again

        #125246 Reply

          There is a product called KISS OFF made specifically to remove ink. I don’t know how well it will work for you but you might give it a shot.

          #125247 Reply

            Old fashioned cheap aerosol hair spray. Spray on ink, then blot with a rag, repeat until stains are gone.

            #125248 Reply

              Call or write to the dryer manufacturer and explain them what happened. They will have a solution.

              #125249 Reply

                I had some do the same thing to my dryer (inside and out). This was about 12 years ago. Still have the same dryer with the same ink stains.

                It has never ended up on any clothes, just ugly stains.

                #125250 Reply

                  Acetone was the only thing that worked for me. It didn’t just wipe right off, I really had to go at it for a while.

                  I couldn’t get it off 100%, but it didn’t get on any other clothes after that.

                  Best of luck!

                  #125251 Reply

                    I would go ahead and throw some rags in and turn the dryer on high. see if any of the color comes off.

                    If it doesn’t wet, the rags put them in and if the color still doesn’t come off on the rags, your clothes will be OK.

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