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After reading Simple Path to Wealth I’m considering putting all of my retirement accounts money into 100% index funds. Depending on the account VFIAX, VFTNX (best available in the 401k), possibly VTSAX in the other. I’m hopefully 10 years out from FI. I would plan to add some bonds maybe a year or two prior to retirement. I don’t know, it feels overly risky for some reason. after having everything in target date funds until recently. What are your informed thoughts?
ErikaI have mine all in a target fund and I’m wondering if I should do this too. Help!
TomRetired guy here. Our portfolio is 70/30, Total Market Index Fund/Fixed income. We were close to 100% index funds almost right up to retirement, but we were playing catch up.
NicholasBond funds have become risky imo. They are the only funds I own that are still substantially down. I will be investing a limited amount in CDs for the safe portion of my portfolio in the future.
I also have some utility stocks that have performed modestly well in downturns as a hedge too.
Explore these too: Is investing in ETFs and index funds enough?
HunterI’m 58 and have 95% in S&P index, mostly FXAIX with Fidelity.
A chunk in HYSA for emergencies and large purchases.
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