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I have had Liberty Mutual for my car insurance for two years on recomendation from my credit union. Supposed to be a benefit.
The first year it increased but the second year it doubled.
They are telling me that’s what all companies do, start low then go high. Is this so?
Who would you all recommend for car insurance? I am 75, hardly drive a ten year old Subaru with super low mileage, never had a ticket.
This is crazy. Recommendations?
KymShop around and take a look at Travelers. I really liked them before I switched to USAA
LynnI also had Liberty thru my credit union. After a couple years I switched to State Farm for a lower rate.
You should shop around for Car and house insurance every couple of years for the best rates.
LettyLook into Progressive. I switched my parents to them. We are very happy with them.
DeniseUnfortunately 75 is a standard age that rates increase at. It’s common among most companies.
Talk to an insurance broker that can compare and quote you on many different companies rather than the tedious work of contact a bunch of different companies yourself.
It won’t cost you more to use a private broker, they’re paid by the policy issuing company.
Kimberlytry georgia farm bureau. i’ve had my house, cars, apartment all covered by them. there is a $35 fee and then the insurance cost.
I went from liberty mutual $300 then renewal was going to be $350 annually.
I said no way. so, I call ga farm bureau. I live in cobb county and qualified. now, I paid $135 for my renters and it is an ANNUAL premium.
JamesI’d take a look at the various offers via AARP. I’d call a insurance broker to also run some quotes against.
I also thought Liberty Mutual would have good rates through our credit union but found them more expensive than any of the captive agents and broker quotes.
LynnAllstate or Progressive.
I switched to Allstate from State Farm about 10 years ago because they kept increasing my premium with no tickets or accidents.I’ve been very happy with Allstate.
PatriciaKeep in mind that your insurance company is only as good as they handle a claim!
My husband looked up the companies based on reviews!
We have USAA for service members, but I seem to recall Liberty Mutual being close to the top of the list for recommendations!
Is there anything else you can do, such as increase your deductible?
CathyI have state farm for 30 years over the years I now have just liability on an old car. $243 six months. I had a side swipe last year where I was deemed at fault for paint scrape no dents nothing to my car.
Now I pay $468 six months so yes, they will raise you if they can.
They doubled my rate and I lost my good driver discount.
It was my first accident I’m staying with them bc I really don’t drive much anymore and $900 is affordable
AnnRates are dictated by zip code…. Urban areas have more accidents, so the rates are higher… Those living in the suburbs have lower rates …
VirginiaThe cost is only one thing to consider when buying insurance. If you need to file a claim and you get turned down or you can’t even get ahold them the cheap rate just cost you a lot.
CarolShop around. I had Geiko for yrs & then 2 yrs in a row they when up w the same car & same driving pattern.
Switched to State Farm in 2017 & it went down when I moved to Alabama in 2021! Last yr I got a newer vehicle & moved to a higher $$ county in Alabama & it only went up by $15.
mth including my renters insurance.
RachelI have an insurer only available in my state. My rate increases have been minimal. Sueing COVID they even gave us money back because so fewer people were driving so fewer accidents.
I agree with an insurance broker.
Also check AARP to see if they have a preferred insurer.
JillI was told to compare prices every 5 years. Going through an agency is much easier…. they can compare multiple companies at once.
After being told this, I compared prices and discovered that my company of 20 years (Liberty) (no tickets; faithful customer) was charging me $1,800 more than other companies!!!
The funny thing is, when I called to cancel, they ‘tried to match’ what I was switching to…they couldn’t match them, BUT they could’ve saved me $700…
so why hadn’t they given me that savings all the time I WAS with them?!
TerriWe just switched too from American Family to Farmers. I was actually told by a Liberty Mutual agent that it’s the nature of the business and that you should switch every couple of years.
I just called Farmers, State Farm and All-State and Farmers was way less.
I’m sure we will be shopping around again. It does pay to shop around for sure.
MerandaUnfortunately it is what insurance companies do. You have to shop around and tell your company you are shopping around to get a better rate.
Usually they will then give you a discount to stay.
State farm is about half of what I was paying at American Family.
SandyI had Liberty Mutual for 2 years. Increased 50%. Switched to Farmers and increased the first renewal about $200/yr.
Switched to a broker and got progressive.
It’s back down to what it was 4 years ago. It’s a pain in the tush but it seems to be an annual endeavor now
KristiIt’s based on how other 75 year old woman are driving and if you are married or single.
You can be the best driver, but if your age bracket and everything is not a good one, then you gotta pay across-the-board too.
It sucks.
There’s no loyalty to staying with one company shop around every year.
KristiI switched from USAA to Geico a year ago. They were a better rate. They went up in May but I can’t judge that as I got a 2024 car but they dropped $79 at renewal.
IrmaAnytime your rates go up, it’s time to shop around! Geico can give you good rates at the beginning, it seems like hopping around every few years is the way to go
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