Is pellet litter heavier than lightweight litter? Can I use my current box?

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  • #122243 Reply

      I can’t find it now, but I thought I saw a post about the merits of pellet litter for cats.

      I would love to try this for my two, but have a lot of questions. It’s a bit of a trek to the dumpster, so I’m wondering if it’s heavier than lightweight litter?

      And can I trial it out/transition them using a regular litter box that I already own before investing in a new box? Same kind of scooper and process?

      40 lbs for $7 delivered with no more litter tracking sounds like a miracle!

      Thanks so much!

      #122244 Reply

        Some cats will rebel and crap on your bed if they don’t like the new litter.

        #122245 Reply

          I gave the pellets one try with my 3 cats. I scoop twice a day. By day 4 the litter was starting to smell sour. I have 3 large litter boxes for 3 cats.

          Two are in bathrooms so smaller rooms may have been why I noticed the smell.

          I went back to Tidy Cats unscented scoop clay litter. I scoop litter and place clumps in a doggie waste bag and drop into a diaper genie. No smell!

          Then I tie up diaper genie bags and toss in dumpster every few days.

          #122246 Reply

            I use it for my rabbits. Yes, it’s heavy. It keeps the smell down pretty well with rabbits, but I’m not sure about cat smells.

            I don’t think you can scoop unless it’s poop.

            We dump the whole thing out after a few days.

            #122247 Reply

              It still gets pretty heavy in and out of the house. If you scoop the solids daily the smell isn’t bad the pellets turn to dust which helps keep the urine odor down but it does nothing for the poop smell.

              I have to dump my boxes ever 2-4 days if I really stretch it out..

              #122248 Reply

                I’ve been using it for years. Yes, it’s a little heavier than clay litter, but manageable. I would recommend mixing it into your cat’s litter at first, then gradually adding more pellets and less clay until there’s no clay left.

                That will allow your cat to get used to the change.

                You will need a scooper with slightly wider slats, but they aren’t expensive.

                #122249 Reply

                  We have breeze, by tidy cats. It has a pea pad in the bottom that needs to be changed. We have two cats, so we change the pea pad once a week, more frequently in the summer months.

                  Hubby does it mostly, but when I do it, I take it apart and clean everything.

                  Our cats don’t mind it, and I don’t think it’s any heavier than regular cat litter.

                  #122250 Reply

                    It is not as heavy as the clumping litter. I did not buy a special box. I added the pellets on with their old litter and gradually changed to all pellets.

                    The only thing is you might want to invest in a metal litter scoop

                    #122251 Reply

                      Do it!!! Look up “sifting litter box pellets” on YouTube videos. $17 sifting litter box, $6.50 40 lb pellet bag. Lasts forever. No litter liner bags.

                      Do not dump out pellets at cleaning time- simply replenish.

                      Just keep adding to it. Never dump actual pellets.

                      #122252 Reply

                        We found it to be fantastic with our kitty. To make cleaning easier I lined the tray with a heavy duty plastic liner and placed several layers of newspaper first, then a layer of about 3” of the pellets in a hooded tray.

                        Minimal smell and just lifted the liner out with all of his gifts about once a week.

                        I did have to remove and flush his man-sized turds sometimes as he wasn’t great about burying them (I know, disgusting) but zero urine smell.

                        #122253 Reply

                          It’s liter weighted …after use…plus it’s biodegradable…so if it spilled in the yard…it will go away with a hose or rain.

                          Draw back…you can not scoop it like clumping but it’s all sawdust when it’s ready to change…

                          dumping the whole box in a bag doesn’t stink or take your breath away and you can carry 2 cat litter pans in bags in one hand

                          #122254 Reply

                            So, I use equine horse pellet bedding from tractor supply. One bag lasts about 3 months. One 32 oz cup of pellets in a pan each week. Total dump and refill.

                            Imo, it seems lighter than regular litter. I do not scoop.

                            If cat has not used pellets, may want to mix the 2 types until it’s all pellet.

                            No stink, love it

                            #122255 Reply

                              I knew a woman who used this and… it made her house reek so bad. If you clean it twice a day, it might be all right, but her entire house stank of cat box.

                              I can’t try it out, because one of my cats is allergic to pine.

                              #122256 Reply

                                I use it with mine. I have had no issues with my cats. Two of my friends tried it with their cats and they refused it. I don’t know how they tried to switch, transition over.

                                Just to let you know that not all like it. I have 3 litter pans for 2 cats. I completely switched 1 pan and left 2 others the same.

                                After they started using I switched the second. Then third

                                #122257 Reply

                                  It’s nice because you can sift it and remove the peed-on pellets that have disintegrated, and put back the intact pellets.

                                  There’s very little waste or mess, and it doesn’t smell much.
                                  However, sadly my cats hated the pellets.

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