Lump sum or installments for settlement: tax impact?

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  • #121533 Reply

      My husband was let go last Aug on unfair terms and we took it up with an attorney. Long story short we’re soon heading to a mediation.

      We’re wondering whether there’d be any tax advantages by taking the settlement in full vs taking it over a period of time.

      Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

      Thank you!

      #121534 Reply

        The only (dis)advantage would be in terms of whether it would bump you up into a higher bracket — you’d have to assess your other expected income to make that determination.

        And, as someone who received a wrongful termination settlement myself, I was never presented the option to take it over time — depending on the amount in question, that might be a rather moot point.

        #121535 Reply

          I forget what the clause is but if they admit discriminatory behaviour then you don’t have to pay taxes on the settlement – vs if they settle to essentially close the dispute.

          Ask your lawyer they will know best and can guide you.

          #121536 Reply

            could the employer go out of business/bankrupt?

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