Should I fully fund my ROTH account at this time?

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  • #127338 Reply

      Should I fully fund my Roth IRA right now? I’m trying to decide whether it’s the best move given my current financial situation.

      Are there specific factors I should consider, such as market conditions, tax implications, or potential investment opportunities?

      I’d love to hear different perspectives on whether maxing out my contributions now is wise or if it’s better to spread them out over time.

      #127339 Reply

        Yes! Do it now. We could be back at record highs later this year.

        #127340 Reply

          This is the perfect time to do so. Think of it as buying stocks on sale!

          #127341 Reply

            Unfortunately, I think the market is gonna go much lower.

            #127342 Reply

              You could just fund it and leave the money in cash; it’s always a good time to max out a Roth

              #127343 Reply

                YUP. Find a fund that mimics the S&P 500; fully fund your Roth IRA…. And forget about her for the next 30 to 35 to 40 years you’ll thank me at that time.

                (granted, I won’t be around by then; but I think you see my point.)

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