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We have disided to change the way we do are food shopping I normally have 6 tins of everything in but now we have just been out and brought 7 baskets to which have each day of the week on and now we r gonna meal plan and only bye the items for each meal.
my youngest will have a snack box for each day and once it’s gone it’s gone I’m tired of spending loads on food and replacing it within days my oldest 2 have their snacks in their rooms and no once gone it’s gone.
my cupboards look better for it and will see what the bill will be next week as I have 2 freezers that r full so will be using up everything first and getting rid of one freezer as don’t see the point of 2 anymore .
Bring it on
LauraWhen my kids were young, we made popcorn in bulk and stored it and one of those Christmas tins you get with three flavors of popcorn in it. We also made rice crispy treats from scratch and stored in smaller tins, and made Chex mix and added yogurt, covered raisins.
We also stored in the big popcorn tins.
These were the snacks that we had in the house and we did not buy packages of chips and sweets..
I know it’s hard for working. Parents have the time or energy to do this anymore, but if you took a couple hours on a Sunday afternoon, you could have snacks for the entire week.
JenniferConsider getting a FoodSaver to seal your food. You will never have freezer burn or waste again. Plus, you can date the bags So you use first in first out.
Also, what’s nice is you can thaw meat in the bags in cold water.
RoostieGreat idea
Maybe your oldest can plan a meal and cook it?
I find kids like to cook if shown howMaryGood idea eating from pantry and freezers only for a while. Snack foods and processed foods are very expensive and really don’t satisfy the appetite!
MaryI would keep the extra freezer if you don’t need the money desperately. You won’t get much for it and if the other one goes out or you come across a great deal on meat or frozen items you can use it without needing to buy another at full price.
You can clean it out and leave it unplugged. Then when your other one needs defrosted or you need to use up what’s on the bottom you can plug in the second one again and move everything to it.
Then all your oldest items will be on top to use.
And you can clean and defrost the first one without being in a hurry.
WendySo hard because teens are growing still and they do eat a lot
RebeccaIf you have an Aldi nearby, you can find significant price reductions on meats, frozen foods, etc.
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