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Need some real talk and advice… I’ve been teaching elementary for 13 years and finally passed my admin test last May.
I have applied to over 80 administrative jobs, and been on a handful of interviews, but keep getting the same feedback: “Not enough experience.”
Just got an interesting opportunity – potentially an assistant principal role for the next THREE MONTHS starting in February.
Here’s the thing: I obviously would make more per paycheck since it’s an admin role, but I’m not sure if three months of admin pay would equal four months of my current teacher salary.
My thinking is that even if it doesn’t quite match up, this could still be worth it because I really just need the experience to move forward in my career.
I know job security is SUPER important, but this might be my ONE chance to get administrative experience and get my foot in the door.
Have any of you been in a similar situation? Whether you’re in education or another field, I’d love to hear your perspective!
Should I:
✅ Take the short-term role
❌ Keep waiting for the “perfect” opportunity
🤔 Something in between?Leave your thoughts below! Seriously need some guidance from people who’ve been here.
GigiIf I was in your shoes, I would take the short term role for the experience. You never know, it may turn into a full time role.
There are many vacancies, you can always go back.
JanetIf you keep getting the same feedback that you don’t have any experience, this is a no-brainer!
This is where you get the experience!
NicoleI am a high school department chair. I have been on at least 8 Interview Committees for administrator openings.
We always place those with experience before a first-time admin candidate.
The concern typically is that a first-time admin doesn’t fully understand the job demands and therefore won’t stay in the position very long.
My advice …Take the short-term opportunity!
KatherineTake the experience. I know people who did summer school admin jobs to get experience. The actual admin were in the building for major emergency type issues/backup and
the actual admin were happy not to deal with summer school.
CarolynI would totally take the job to get some administrative experience in your resume.
I’m assuming you can always go back to teaching if a full time job doesn’t line up after the short term one since everyone seems desperate for good teachers.
Good luck
KristinI guess I’m in the minority here, because it looks like most people are saying to “go for it!” without hesitation. I retired after 26 years of teaching and served on a number of hiring committees over the years and I have a slightly different perspective.
Is this job within your current district, or would you be moving into another district?
The temporary nature of the job, and the fact that it starts mid-year puts you in an awkward position, because, I assume you’ll be breaking an existing contract to assume another.
Not only will you probably burn a bridge with your current district (esp during a teacher shortage), but this could also be seen as a red flag for other potential employers, when it will be obvious on your resume’ that you were willing to break a contract for an opportunity to move up the ladder.
My other concern would be for why this temporary admin position is coming up in February, so close to the end of the contract year. If you have contacts within that district, you might want to try and find out.
If it’s to cover a maternity leave or fmla, then it’s likely the original admin will return. Where does that leave you?
If it’s because the upper admin, school board, students or community are impossible to deal with and someone bailed early for their mental well-being, this might not be the best temporary experience for resume’ building.
OTOH, if it’s a trial run for a proposed addition to the admin team, it could be a great opportunity to get your foot in the door… unless they have an obvious in-house choice and you’ll just be serving as a placeholder while they finish their certification, or complete their current contract.
You really need to try and make sure you have all the info you can get before making your decision.
Finally, if you just finished your cert in May, then you really missed out on the prime hiring time for admin. In our area, admin contracts are offered or extended in January and vacancies are filled asap.
You had two strikes against you at hiring time, by not being fully certified AND not having experience.
Were you still doing your practicum at that time? Keep in mind that many districts have well-qualified candidates from in-house and still publicize and go through the motions of the interview process, knowing that they have already pretty much made their decision.
Also, keep in mind that taking this temporary position will take you out of the market at the most critical time.
I would be very cautious about this move. Learn all you can and know exactly what you’re getting into before jumping into anything.
I could see it being a wonderful opportunity, but I can also see lots of ways it could go wrong.
Good luck!
MichelleI say go for it assuming you get benefits like healthcare unless on spouses.
BridgetWould taking the short term admin job mean your current school is without a teacher?
I assume you have a teaching contract for the year
I would think leaving your current school mid year, would prob mean they won’t renew your contract next yr (if you wanted to bc you didn’t secure an admin job)
SandraI once had an H.R. person tell me that “sometimes you have to go backward to go forward “. She was right.
I took a minor pay cut to break into a different area in my company and it paid off handsomely.
I say GO FOR IT!
EmilyIf the pay ends up being a little less, you could tutor or something part time for a month to fill in the gap.
DebMy favorite principal was offered a temporary position and never left that job until he retired, decades later. You just never know until you try.
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