What are your bucket list items, material or non?

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  • #114022 Reply

      What’s on your bucket list? It could be anything—travel destinations, personal goals, skills you want to learn, or meaningful experiences.

      Whether material or non-material, share your top items and why they’re important to you!

      #114023 Reply

        Stick Figure (Band) at Red Rocks
        Two week Surf (me)/Yoga (wife) camp in the Pacific
        Greek Islands visit

        Live 6 months in a big city

        Learn to play guitar.

        #114024 Reply

          1) Read all the Hugo and Nebula winning novels

          2) Never pass an opportunity to see any of the great Yacht Rock or New Wave artists in tour before they go to the great Yacht in the sky.

          #114025 Reply

            – visit Alaska and Hawaii (my last 2 states)
            – visit Asia, Africa, South America, and Antarctica

            – learn enough forestry to be competent on my land

            – be a good relative in every way I can think of

            #114027 Reply

              I want to be a grandma (my kids are still teenagers so this is a longer term bucket list item)

              Write a book of short stories

              Open an antique shop with a tea/coffee bar/cafe in it

              #114028 Reply

                Five gallon buckets. Mop buckets. Bucket hats. Every type of bucket you can imagine.

                #114029 Reply

                  To leave behind something that leaves an impression on someone that passes on a story about me that will be shared 100 years from now. Think about it.

                  Do any of you know anything about any of your relatives from 100 years ago?

                  If so, they did some to separate themselves from the rest.

                  #114030 Reply

                    To go on a whale watching tour and see a great blue whale. To see the northern lights in all its glory in Alaska. Usually only there in the summer.

                    I’ve been really fortunate enough to knock out most of my bucket list and need to add to it but can’t think of things.

                    #114031 Reply

                      I currently live in Europe and have traveled A LOT for the last year and a half…

                      so, I’m on the opposite end from most here at the moment and I want to settle down in a home (currently under contract) and grow my career/get my CPA finally.

                      #114032 Reply

                        To get to as many countries as possible. I’m checking off New Years in Antarctica in the next few weeks.

                        With this trip, I’d have stepped on all 7 continents.

                        Other travel bucket list items: Galapagos, Patagonia, Palawan, Great Barrier Reef, Namibia, Safari in Kenya, see the snow monkeys in Japan, Swiss Alps, Christmas market in the French Alsace region, learn Mandarin and Chinese calligraphy in Taiwan.

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