What mortgage refinance rates are we seeing lately?

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  • #127578 Reply

      What are the current mortgage refinance rates? Have they been trending up or down recently?

      If you’ve refinanced lately, what rate did you get, and from which lender?

      Looking to get some insights before making a decision!

      #127579 Reply

        Keep waiting they will keep going down at this rate

        #127580 Reply

          Forget the rates. I just got a letter in the mail saying my insurance is going up 13% aka $450/month. It went up $300/month earlier last year.

          That is a 27% increase in 2 yrs.

          These insurance companies are going to drive me out of my house.

          #127581 Reply

            They vary quite a bit depending on the loan amount, loan to value, credit score, loan term, whether you want cash out or not, etc.

            It also changes a lot if you are talking about buying discount points (or the other end of the spectrum where you take a higher rate and get lender credits to cover your closing costs which is what I would suggest for most people in this rate environment)

            #127582 Reply

              It is deeply unlikely that we get back to 3s and 4s. 5s are likely the best you can do for a while.

              #127583 Reply

                I’m in the middle of refi at 6.49. Not the greatest, but an improvement from what I have.

                #127584 Reply

                  I have seen home purchases closing at between 6.5 and 6.99% in the last week or so (depending on the creditworthiness and loan amount).

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