Is it a conflict of interest if a realtor sells my home and theirs?

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  • #126013 Reply

      If I were to talk to a realtor that was having an open house that I liked, would it be a conflict of interest somewhere for him to sell me the home he was showing, but also be the realtor for selling my current home as well?

      How might this situation impact their ability to represent my best interests as a seller?

      I’d love to hear different perspectives and experiences on this!

      #126014 Reply

        If they are representing you as the buyer, that’s where the potential conflict would occur. However their is nothing illegal about dual agency (at least in my state PA) as long as it’s probably disclosed.

        I prefer to have dual agency if I buy on market because it makes it easier for me to more directly negotiate.

        But I buy 1 or 2 properties every year so I’m comfortable basically representing myself.

        Based on the fact, that you asked this question. I’d suggest not being dually represented on your purchase

        #126015 Reply

          If your state allows dual agency then yes. Remember that the Realtor is working for the seller on the house you want to buy

          #126016 Reply

            I don’t think the conflict of interest is having you represented by an agent as a buyer in one home and then them selling your home.

            The conflict lies with that same agent representing the seller and now you as the buyer on the house you’re buying.

            I bought my first place blindly when I was 19 and was represented by the selling agent.

            I never felt good about it after I learned the ropes.
            You have every right to find your own agent, even if you’ve looked at it already at an open house.

            The sellers objective is to sell the house first, and net the highest price second.

            Unfortunately, I don’t think they can have the best of both interests when it comes to the money side.

            Having your agent that you are using to purchase a home, be your listing agent is a great idea.

            But you should not use the agent of whoever is listing the house you want to buy in my opinion.

            #126017 Reply

              Is the realtor at the open house the actual listing agent of said property?

              #126018 Reply

                No, his interests are in getting the showed home sold, and also getting your home sold. No conflict.

                #126019 Reply

                  No, and usually you can negotiate a 1% or less listing fee for your current home when you do so. It’s a win-win since you’ll net more money in the end.

                  I was able negotiate a 1/2% listing fee when I did just that.

                  #126020 Reply

                    A realtor’s best interest is for themselves to sell you a house at the highest cost so they get more commission. Never forget this.

                    They are friendly but not your friend.

                    You can buy from them and sell through them but you do not have to.

                    #126021 Reply

                      You would definitely want a lawyer to represent you & handle the closings. I would recommend this even if the realtor is different.

                      Realtors sell homes, not represent their clients who are signing legally binding contracts.

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