What should you invest in for a guaranteed 4% withdrawal?



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  • #121966 Reply

      If you want to withdraw money using the 4% rule what should you be invested in to have a guaranteed 4% return?

      what would be your top choices? Are there specific assets, portfolios, or strategies that can sustain this withdrawal rate long-term while minimizing risk?

      Share your insights and experiences!

      #121967 Reply

        If you can find a HYSA with 4% interest your principal will never decrease

        #121968 Reply

          My best advice is to look up Bill Bengen’s 4% “rule” He did several studies and outlines the results of several asset allocations and whether they survived a 30 year retirement.

          Underscore 30 year retirement… He then went on to look at other withdrawal rates in subsequent studies.

          This way you will have the information directly from the source.

          #121969 Reply

            That’s not how the 4 percent rule is intended to work. It’s not that your guaurnteed 4 percent return a year.

            The return on the portfolio will vary year to year.

            The idea is that you consistently withdraw 4 percent.

            #121970 Reply

              Guaranteed 4% returns likely won’t exist for the entirety of one’s retirement, but if they did keep in mind that guarantees you’re losing money every year.

              #121971 Reply

                It is my understanding that the Monte Carlo simulation assumes you are invested in large cap stocks and bonds.

                #121972 Reply

                  That’s not at all what the 4% rule is. Research it

                  #121973 Reply

                    The study was using a 60/40 stock bond portfolio.
                    You can use portfolio charts (dot com) and portfolio visualizer (dot com) to back test different portfolios to see how their safe withdrawal rates look.

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