Where can I get an affordable life alert system?

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  • #127997 Reply

      Hi everyone, I was wondering if someone can tell me where to get those life alert things that aren’t expensive. Unfortunately, I’ve come to that stage.

      I’d really appreciate any recommendations.


      #127998 Reply

        I have an Apple Watch. One time cost. Life alert is a monthly fee I think.

        If I fall it asks if I need help.

        Also has other features.

        #127999 Reply

          Air tags are $29 and (at least) can show you’re family where you are.

          #128000 Reply

            Can you share what country you’re in? Most states will help subsidize it, if you’re in America.

            Would also help to know if you have any recent hospitalizations.

            #128001 Reply

              Check with your local Fire Department there was a time when they were giving them to seniors.

              Not sure if you need to low income or not.

              #128002 Reply

                My Medicare Advantage plan (United Health Care in GA) has paid for mine since 2019…except beginning 2025, they no longer pay for the service under my Special Needs Plan (Diabetic or Heart Condition plan.)

                I do not know if some of the other UHC plans that have a high premium or other Health Insurances include this perk.

                I truly need it but will not pay $40/mo. I just make sure I have my cell phone in my pocket, hanging on my wrist or around my neck 24/7 and every step I take…of course this does me no good if I fall and am unconscious.

                I did get really irritated with the alarm pendant bc it would activate with very small movement or bumps…there was no way to decrease the sensitivity.

                I truly hope you find a product & service. Please update if you do…

                #128003 Reply

                  I also have the Apple Watch. Kudos to you for recognizing that you might need some help now.

                  Many people refuse to make that change and end in trouble.

                  #128004 Reply

                    I tried one. Twice I had a bad experience. First time I was having chest pain.

                    I hit the button. Lady asked me just to go to the doctor appointment. Second time after I had gotten out of the hospital.

                    The ambulance never came. Never called me.

                    Nothing. Called back and the guy aaid all he saw was they had been sent but didn’t know who or where they were.

                    Called 911 and they came in 5 minutes.

                    These things are only as good as the people on the other end.

                    #128005 Reply

                      Some type of feature on my Android phone if I press the button several times my daughter’s miraculously appear at my front door.

                      I got to look it up though

                      #128006 Reply

                        Alexa emergency assist service. $6 a month but you have to be able to speak to tell Alexa to call for help

                        #128007 Reply

                          Also, if you have an Alexa you can tell it to call 911 or anyone listed in your contacts. My sister-in-law used her to call my husband when she collapsed.

                          We went over and called the ambulance.

                          Doctors all said having that Alexa saved her life.

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