Which wholesale club saves you the most money?

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  • #126236 Reply

      For those that have wholesale club memberships, which one do you feel saves you the most money? I currently have BJ’s but am thinking of switching to Costco or Sam’s.

      Whether it’s membership fees, bulk pricing, or exclusive deals, which club has helped you save the most money?

      Share your experiences and any tips for getting the best value!

      #126237 Reply

        I have and like Sam’s. I use their MC for most purchases. I pay it off monthly.

        I have the Plus membership and got $60 more cash back than my membership cost last year.

        #126238 Reply

          I originally got a sam’s club membership because the one near me had the cheapest gas in town and I got in on a deal. The gas savings alone pays for my membership (I actually tracked it the first two years).

          I have lots of things I buy there and get a great price. My sister has a Costco membership and invites me to tag along once in a while.

          Costco seems a little more “upscale.” They also are cost effective but I feel like the have some nicer stuff.

          They do not seem to have much name brand dog foods but I have heard their store brand is really good. I think it really depends on the products you buy, honestly.

          Maybe you can check on their websites….make a list of a few common things you would buy in bulk such as dog food, medications; allergy, acid reducers,etc, toilet paper, shampoo, etc.

          See if each store carries the brands you like, if you have a loyalty to certain brand. See if one is cheaper than the other. Is one of the stores closer?

          If you have to go out of your way, will you utilize it as much if you buy a membership at the closer store?

          I think when you crunch a few numbers on the things that are important, one of them will seem to be the right choice for you. Hope that helps a little.

          Good luck!

          #126239 Reply

            Find out if they carry what you need. We get a couple of items from Sam’s that Costco doesn’t carry eg,
            a particular brand of incontinence underwear.

            Look at what items cost picking them up yourself vs charge to have shipped.

            #126240 Reply

              I just saved enough in Costco’s Optical dept to pay for a decade of memberships, quite literally! I understand their tire prices are similarly phenomenal.

              Then, there are a few less unhealthy snacks that I buy from there, so… yep.

              Costco for me!

              #126241 Reply

                We had BJs and I loved that they took coupons. We now travel full time so we went with Sam’s.

                Costco didn’t feel right to me for some reason and there are not enough BJs around for us sadly.

                #126242 Reply

                  I got BJ’s on a $20 membership sale. Also have Costco (more expensive).

                  Gas prices great at both but we’re a 2 person household and BJ’ has smaller packaging options for meats and bakery

                  #126243 Reply

                    I like Costco. I stock up on things like TP and meat when I find it on sale so a trip there is about $400, so it can get costly fast if you don’t pay attention.

                    I have the executive membership and got back $100 more than the membership cost this year.

                    I also have the Costco citi card and got back over $700 for using their card.

                    I pay it off every 2 weeks. Some stuff is more expensive than other stores, some stuff cheaper.

                    You just have to pay attention.

                    #126244 Reply

                      The value for s household of 1 and sharing it with my other members is tremendous
                      There currently renovating

                      The food court and dairy section of the store I go to
                      There fast on adapting.

                      To changes and treat There employees well everyone got raises truck driver make over 30 dollars an hour

                      #126245 Reply

                        Also, Sam’s. I gave Costco too but use Sam’s much more and like a lot of their staples better (store brand tp, garbage bags, etc.)

                        #126246 Reply

                          I like BJ’s. I save enough in gas to more than pay for the membership fee. Both my husband and I fill up cars there. I also buy some things in the store.

                          There are just two of us, but laundry soap, coffee, jelly, English muffins. Good deals on meat that I can portion and freeze.

                          And they send me store coupons for things we use regularly.

                          I also bought a Smart TV and sometimes clothes. And both of us got eyeglasses there. I like it much better than Sam’s.

                          Never really shopped much at Costco. Too big and easy to spend on impulse buys.

                          #126247 Reply

                            Buying only certain items in bulk and going very infrequently or only ordering on line pick up has saved me tons. Not walking into the store.

                            Stick to the list of needs.

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