Who offers quick life insurance activation within 20 days?

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  • #126515 Reply

      Help! Next month (March) my husband and I are travelling to Mexico without our children.

      I’m getting all of my documents together to leave with my mom and MIL who will have the children while we are away, and realized our life insurance policies lapsed when I switched jobs a couple months ago!

      I am looking for some sort of quick policy I can put together that will be active within the next 20 days (or right away, ideally).

      Even if I have to pay crazy money for the month until I can get a more reasonable policy for the long term i just want to make sure i get this fixed ASAP.

      Who do you all recommend?

      #126516 Reply

        USAA term insurance, do not buy universal or whole life, which is a ripoff

        #126517 Reply

          Life insurance can be approved after the first premiums draft. Could be instantly or the underwriter could ask more info if something isn’t clear in the application.

          #126518 Reply

            I was able to get mine from State Farm days before my trip. I made sure it covered deaths in airplanes and outside of the country.

            I will change it after the month because I found a better price

            #126519 Reply

              This is why you don’t rely on policies through your employer outside of health insurance. Disability and life should both be purchased outside of an employer.

              But just look for any company that sells life insurance and apply.

              You can probably even get trip insurance and many of them have some sort of death benefit as well.

              #126520 Reply

                Call an insurance agent. Sign up for term life insurance. You may need to pass a physical. See if you have time or maybe ask if you can get it done after you return.

                Don’t buy whole life insurance policy.

                All you need is term

                #126521 Reply

                  Travel insurance. Most of them come with a life insurance benefit.

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