Why do you want to be frugal?

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  • #125561 Reply

      What motivates you to be frugal? Is it about saving for a big goal, achieving financial independence, reducing waste, or simply finding joy in a minimalist lifestyle?

      Share your thoughts and experiences on why frugality matters to you!

      #125562 Reply

        To be a good steward of resources and I enjoy trying to learn ways to save time and money.

        I take it as a rewarding challenge to figure out new ways of saving money.

        #125563 Reply

          I want to make the most of my money, out of respect for the hard work I did to earn it.

          #125564 Reply

            My husband has health issues. It’s frugal or choose between medication and food/heat.

            #125565 Reply

              I was brought up to not be wasteful of things, to take good care of our planet, to be frugal and save what you can, to live the best life.

              #125566 Reply

                To be a good steward of the resources I’ve been blessed to have responsibility to manage.

                That includes health, time, income, energy, and our planet’s natural resources, to name a few.

                #125567 Reply

                  I want to be frugal so that I can be a good Steward of my resources. I want to lead a sustainable life and as an added bonus I work in education so when I live frugally I don’t have to worry about making ends meet in the 10 weeks that I am laid off over the summer.

                  #125568 Reply

                    It’s just a way of not being a hyper consumer. I was brought up with a simple way of life that was very comfortable.

                    Although we also were in most standards considered frugal and well to do in many aspects

                    #125569 Reply

                      I want to be a good steward, as so many have said, but lately it’s because life is getting more and more expensive.

                      I’m struggling with discouragement.

                      #125570 Reply

                        Dad grew up dyslexic and homeless. Hard-working but illiterate. He bought a middle class house. Made our “best” presents.

                        My hero.
                        Most frugal person I’ve ever known.

                        I strive to be the person he was.

                        #125571 Reply

                          To retire very comfortably with millions $$$ saved. Have the freedom to do whatever I want.

                          Emergencies are no big deal.

                          #125572 Reply

                            To make sure I will be able to take care of hubby (early onset Parkinson’s) and adult multi-handicapped son (who will always live with us) without having to worry about work when the time comes.

                            #125573 Reply

                              I don’t want to leave a mess for my son. I want every cabinet clean and in order. I don’t keep backup of anything but toilet paper.

                              When I die and the estate sale lady shows up … she can just start pricing.

                              I only keep 6 plates, 6 mugs, 6 cereal bowls, 6 salad plates, 3 serving bowls. Right down to 6 paper clips.

                              It’s a little excessive but it works. I inventory my freezer.

                              Everyone’s journey is different.

                              #125574 Reply

                                I grew up lower middle class, spent my later teen years with my mom and I eating mostly plain rice so we could pay our mortgage and have healthy food for my little brother then had high medical bills for my son and had to retire early so I’m on a limited budget.

                                I’m frugal so I can continue to pay my mortgage and insurances as well as make sure my son and I don’t have to ever eat only plain rice because I know how much it hurt my mom’s heart for us to do that.

                                #125575 Reply

                                  I don’t wanna work (salaries where I live suuuck), I wanna live with my modest passive income.

                                  I also save some every month for whatever emergency/health problem.

                                  #125576 Reply

                                    Because we like having a roof over our heads!
                                    Also because frugality is a side effect of not buying into the capitalist/consumer mentality.

                                    (For our family) it has meant supporting local businesses and networking with neighbors in a barter/trade/freely given way.

                                    Keeps stuff out of landfills, reduces waste.

                                    #125577 Reply

                                      Because it is the sensible thing to do. Frugal does not mean settling for cheap goods that don’t last. It means spending wisely and getting good value for what you buy.

                                      It means you have more resources available to you. It means you don’t have to be in debt.

                                      And it means you don’t have a lot of “flash” that is meaningless and takes up useful space to pamper your ego.

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