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What’s your frugal goals for 2025? I’m doing no buy 2025
As we approach a new year, many of us are reflecting on how to spend wisely and save effectively. Whether it’s budgeting better, cutting unnecessary expenses, or adopting a minimalist lifestyle, we’d love to hear your ideas!
What frugal habits or financial goals are you planning to set for 2025?
Share your insights and inspire others in the community to make the most of their resources.
AnnetteWhat is no buy? What are you not buying? From my perspective one only needs understand the difference between need and want.
AtiyaI’m starting the snowball method. Made a list of all my debt smallest to large and made a plan to pay everything off.
So, I’m going to cut back on eating out and going out so I can pay down debts.
ReBeccaI will be doing my annual no buy January. I allow myself a once weekly lunch out with my coworkers but try to buy something cheap on the menu.
The rest of the month I try to go as long as can without going to a store and no online shopping.
This annual no buy month helps reset my mind from all the holiday shopping that makes my brain think it is ok to buy whatever.
KirstenNo Buy January again this year to thin out the pantry/freezer/house supplies a bit, plus use up some fun gift cards for outings.
Purging (including selling and gifting) things we won’t need in anticipation of possibly moving somewhere smaller.
I’m also taking a big trip but in a thrifty way, using miles and cat sitting with a friend for housing.
Focusing on health and spending quality time with friends, family, and our aging dog this year.
StephanieI’ve never done a “no buy” anything in my life but I need to so badly but just the thought of it gives me such bad anxiety……
is that normal?
MindyIncreasing the number of freebies I get and finding more change.
AliciaI will only buy things if they definitely need replacement. I have everything I need to be comfortable and content.
SusieGoing to do the no buy for the year. I will only purchase what I absolutely need, such as food, gas and car maintenance.
But no clothes unless I continue to lose weight.
Nothing for the house, no extras, etc.
NancyPaying off my car 2 years early. I started by not going out the day after Christmas. Nothing needed.
Being very aware of not spending money packing lunch for work.
Even if it’s daily goals and move to weekly and monthly to really save money
SheilaTo purchase another 5k premium bond is my goal for 2025, I really enjoy the wins without losing my money and it builds wealth slowly.
AngelGet car repairs, pay off car, dental work for my cat.
KatherineNot buying any books. I love our local library and I got a kindle for Christmas with plenty of access to free books.
Committing to making my SO’s lunch 98% of the time. I’m allowing one time for me to skip every month.
Rediscover my monthly meal planning habits to decrease grocery budget.
I’m aiming for $800 a month for three adults and one toddler.
VirginiaNo spend 2025 with a few treats over the summer. Every other day vegetarian.
No new clothes; I’m set.
MelissaI no longer have earned income but want to continue investing. Every Jan – Feb. I buy a CD. We have zero debt and a manageable income.
I choose my beneficiaries carefully. Hopefully, I will be able to leave something for those I love.
The maturing times are scattered throughout the year.
If I get into a financial bind, one will be maturing soon.
MargaretI love to shop. I have everything I need. I look but don’t buy. When I am tempted, I remind myself I have something similar at home.
It’s a challenge but so rewarding when I overcome that temptation.
KrystyPlanning to do a low spend January. And hoping to pay down some debt in 2025, so I’m prioritizing making meals at home/less takeout/packing lunch for the days I’m at the office, cutting down on the monthly grocery bill, cancelling a few subscriptions, etc
DianeI am debt free and my goal is to remain so.
My pantry and freezer are well stocked with a 90 day supply of pretty much everything and I plan to maintain that.I have an ER Fund and retirement account fairly well funded.
My real goals now are to save enough money to make some repairs (mostly cosmetic) and improvements to my home that I have been putting off while I got the things above in place.
I also expect to do things like replace all 4 tires on two vehicles and to buy a couple of things I Could..do without but want..
like a new wheelbarrow (before garden season) and an air fryer and since I am a senior citizen; to pre-pay a cremation funeral plan.
ConstanceStay out of the stores and to finish paying my last credit card off.
VivianBuying needs only. Still using coupons and meal planning around what’s on sale.
HeidyContinue to purge my home, downsize and sell in yard sale as much as possible to fund another overseas trip next year.
CharleneI’ve never done a no buy month so going starting with January as well as purge what I don’t need around the house.
We are retired but behind the game so I’m trying to lock in some CD’s.
JacquieI already have a frugal lifestyle but this year I’m going to simplify things.
Donate things I don’t use and buy what I use and need.
SaraI’m doing low spend, cash only with the exception of a couple auto drafts.
I’ll take out $xxx each pay check and that’s all I have to spend.
LisaNot buying any new clothes & checking books & CD’s out of the library whenever possible.
Of course my local library sells books now for fundraising so I had to buy one today to lend my support;-)
FranEvery Friday I’m going to get cash to go for groceries (not sure how much). Once the cash is gone for the week I won’t buy anymore.
It seems like we always need one or two items to make a recipe, then I end up buying a lot more.
ElizabethMy biggest goal is to USE UP every shampoo, conditioner, makeup and soap I have in my cupboards.
This is because when every bottle of not my favorite is used and gone, then I will only buy one bottle of all my favorites, things I have found that work for me, and not buy something because it is on sale, or looks good / and not have millions of bottles of all kinds of meh stuff cluttering my shelves.
ClaireI’m starting with no buy January. Never done it before so starting small
CarlaNo spend as many days a month as I can, with preplanned days for spending, in January I have 4 days allotted to spending, a payday to catch up on bills and responsibilities, lite shopping.
A date in, ( Netflix and chill with takeout) a date out 5.00 movie day.
And a birthday weekend for my daughter, I’ll put out amount I’m willing to spend and leave card at home, also my nieces birthday that weekend so I’ll send $.
I use the food bank as well
Jan taking inventory, purging and organizing what I do have . -
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