Can I add water to thickened fabric softener to make it usable?

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  • #126228 Reply

      I have some fabric softener that I haven’t used in a while. It has gotten very thick. I was wondering it I could add water to thin it and it would still work.

      I hate to toss it if it is still usable.

      #126229 Reply

        If you can work from home or you need a side hustle please let me know because we have lots of openings.

        You can also work around your children as well.

        Hope this helps.

        #126230 Reply

          Add white vinegar and give it a good hard shaking.

          #126231 Reply

            You can add water and shake before each use.. my washing machine has the dispenser on the agitator and the book says you are to dilute any liquid fabric softener if using the dispenser to prevent build up.

            #126232 Reply

              I had to do that to mine. But it left residue so I tossed it

              #126233 Reply

                I do I add water and give it a good shake. Same with the laundry detergent when it gets to the end.

                #126234 Reply

                  I did that to mine and it worked just fine. All you can do is try it and see.

                  #126235 Reply

                    I believe if you look at the ingredient list, you’ll see it’s the main ingredient

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