Cheapest way to solidify used cooking oil?

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  • #122115 Reply

      Cheap way to solidify used cooking oil?
      The cheapest I found on Amazon was $7+ for 4 tiny sachets.

      Is there anything more economical than that? Or any tips to solidify used cooking oil?

      #122116 Reply

        Add oatmeal to the pan and roll in shapes for bird-food when cool. Win-win!

        #122117 Reply

          We pour grease into a container that goes into the freezer. When it’s full, the container is closed and put into regular trash.

          Our recyling rules don’t include grease.

          #122118 Reply

            look for generic “cooking grease solidifier” on Amazon, WAY cheaper

            #122119 Reply

              Why does it need to be solid? For the trash? You can pour it into an used plastic container with a lid.

              #122120 Reply

                I throw in used jars or cans, let harden and throw out

                #122121 Reply

                  Cut off the top of an empty can and pour it in there, then throw it away once it’s cool.

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