Fee-free HSA recommendations based on personal experiences?

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  • #117127 Reply

      I have an HSA with Optum Financial from a previous employer. They have a $3 monthly account fee. Overall I’ve been happy with them and they pay on time with no hassles.

      Does anyone have a fee free HSA they use and are happy with?

      I’ve researched a couple online, just interested in personal experiences etc.

      #117128 Reply

        As other have said, fidelity but get ready for a head shaking process. Paperwork. Time out of the market. Etc.

        This should not stop you but just an fyi that you will go through it and wonder WTH it is 2025 and this is how the process works.

        #117129 Reply

          Fidelity HSA has been consistently ranked best HSA for six consecutive years. No monthly fees and excellent platform.

          #117130 Reply

            I moved from Optum to Fidelity, great move and super easy!

            #117131 Reply

              Switching to Fidelity wasn’t bad besides just waiting for the transfer.
              The Fidelity transfer team was good about keeping me up to date if there was anything additional they needed on my end to finish the transfer.

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