Healthy and tasty night snack alternatives to Pure Protein bars?

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  • #127282 Reply

      I am addicted to 2 chocolate protein bars a day(pure protein bars) please be kind but what are some replacements that are tasty for a night snack maybe a bit healthier that I could replace these with?

      They run $15-18 dollars for 12 bars but I have been hooked.

      Again, please be kind as I am struggling to change this.

      #127283 Reply

        If you want a protein sweet treat, mix a Premier Protein shake with a box of sugar free instant pudding (use water to make up the difference for the liquid you need).

        You’ll get more protein and more food than a little bar. You can eat the entire thing of pudding for about 300 calories.

        Upping your daily protein and fiber will help with cravings too.

        I’m going to come back and edit this comment to list some of my favorite fitness pages that give a lot of sweet treat hacks, but I’m about to go to work so it’ll be a hot minute.

        #127284 Reply

          A coworker makes chocolate protein balls and they’re amazing. I need to get the recipe.

          #127285 Reply

            RYSE protein powder is very tasty. I’m currently on a kick with the cosmic brownie. I bake with it.

            I make ice cream with it and you can make your own protein bars with it.

            Also, mixing it with a little bit of melted peanut butter results in a delicious cookie dough you can eat.

            #127286 Reply

              You can make absolutely delicious bars yourself.

              Some are no bake, but all are very easy!

              #127287 Reply

                Walmart sells a protein bar that’s like the Nature Valley protein granola bars. They come in 2 flavors. I love the peanut butter chocolate ones.

                I find them addictive. Maybe try those?

                They have 10 grams of protein still.

                They are significantly cheaper than what you’re currently eating.

                #127288 Reply

                  Peanut Butter is high in protein and you can make all sorts of snacks from it.

                  #127289 Reply

                    I make oatmeal muffins… you could add cocoa to them. It’s 3 cups oats (not instant), 3 eggs, 12 tbs milk, 6 tbs brown sugar, 3 tbs cinnamon or cocoa, vanilla extract, bit of salt and baking powder.

                    Makes 12 muffins. You can add nuts too if you want
                    30 min at 350

                    #127290 Reply

                      I would be more concerned about the sugar than the protein. Some of those protein bars are crazy with the sugar. To answer the question I try to stay with items made by nature, nothing man made.

                      I like the combination of waluts and pistachios. Although avocado seems to be my current obsession.

                      I hope you find something that suits.

                      Ya know the Keto people have several sweet treat substitutes, maybe have a click through some of them

                      #127291 Reply

                        You could make your own protein bites with peanut butter honey chocolate chips and oats! They are delicious. I also really like dark chocolate covered raspberries or strawberries for a sweet treat.

                        Tru fru brand, you just have to be careful to not eat too many.

                        Costco has a bigger bag of them for like $11 and it lasts me 2 weeks eating them in moderation.

                        #127292 Reply

                          Protien pudding. Use sugar free pudding and sugar free whipped cream. I like strawberry slices in my chocolate pudding too.

                          #127293 Reply

                            Begin by trimming a strip off before you eat. Let’s say 1/10 th.. you won’t miss this.
                            On the 10 th day, eat your collect.

                            Now, trim a larger slice off. Put that away… keep doing this until you are satisfied with 1 bar.

                            Maybe dip your bar into peanut butter to make up for calories.
                            Peanut butter and chocolate.

                            Peanut butter and banana …
                            Don’t deny yourself the pleasure you get from this food!
                            Every time you skip a bar, put the money in a jar!

                            That also helps support the desire to not consume the extra bar!
                            Yeah.. easier ways to do this!

                            But this might make you feel more in control!

                            Good luck!

                            #127294 Reply

                              I really think protein is good for you 1 gm/pound of body weight. Make sure you are not addicted to the sugar. Some companies put sugar in food as they know it is addicting.

                              So maybe that is it.

                              If it is healthy, with no processed sugar and no additives, I have no issues with it.

                              If it is unhealthy that is has any process sugar and any additives or ingredients that you do no know, I would consider switching to a different brand, or making something similar of your own.

                              Pure dark chocolate with no sugar is good, protein is good from a clean source.

                              #127295 Reply

                                Why do you want to change it? Can you afford it now? It sounds like you’ve been affording it for a while.

                                They are good for you so unless you have a real financial need to stop, I would not worry about it.

                                #127296 Reply

                                  You can add protein powder to any baked good to make your own. You could do brownies or cookies?

                                  Something similar to your favorite protein bar, then flash freeze a large batch and portion out what you need.

                                  #127297 Reply

                                    They’re only $1-2 each bar so they’re not like they’re expensive (other healthy snacks could be even more).

                                    But if you feel these are not healthy enough and do not need the extra protein in your diet, you could look for other granola bar replacements (there’s so many!!!!)

                                    or make your own at home that fit your needs.

                                    Or if you really like them and fit within your diet and budget, enjoy them!!!

                                    #127298 Reply

                                      You could buy Norwegian crisp bread from Trader Joe’s, blend pitted dates with almond or peanut or any seed/nut butter.

                                      Spread a layer on the crisp bread and drizzle with melted dark chocolate

                                      #127299 Reply

                                        You’re doing good. I’m addicted to eating chips in bed, then need something sweet so a Kit Kat afterwards

                                        #127300 Reply

                                          I replaced a chocolate/sugary night snack with this: protein yogurt (Aldi), sugar free cool whip, and sugar free pudding mix.

                                          Basically 1/2 cup of the cool whip & yogurt & mix in 1/2 to 1 tbsp of the pudding mix powder.

                                          The powder will melt into the mixture.

                                          May not be the absolute healthiest thing, but I have pretty muck kicked my sugar habit!

                                          #127301 Reply

                                            You might be able to convince yourself by reading the ingredients label. There’s not much redeeming health value in a highly processed bar.

                                            Plus, the artificial sweetener are of course not good.

                                            Consider why you are addicted and try to fix that vs just trying to change the formula.

                                            #127302 Reply

                                              Don’t be hard on yourself! These types of foods are lab created to get you addicted.

                                              To better help yourself be free of processed foods, look close at the ingredients, google them and surely you will be grossed out/concerned for your health.

                                              A change is NOT going to be easy, you can do this!!!

                                              Have carrots, small cucumbers, fruit and nuts available for snacking.

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