How can I find a lasting animal rescue charity for my legacy?

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  • #120240 Reply

      I’m struggling with what to do with my money if I die before I get old.

      I have about $1.5M invested and $500,000 equity in my house (I still have a mortgage). I’m single with no kids or siblings.

      I know I can leave money to charity but I’m having a hard time finding the right one and I’ve been thinking about this for over a year.

      I want to leave my money to an animal cause/rescue but the local rescues I donate to now are very small and run by people older than me and I’m not sure they’ll be around in 10 or 15 years (the people or the rescues).

      I know I can change my beneficiaries at any time but I’d like to leave a lasting legacy, not just leave everything to an organization that might be gone shortly after me.

      I do donate to several charities every year but I’m not sure I want to leave that much money to any of them due to the above reasons.

      Does anyone have any recommendations to find a charity where my gift would make a difference?

      I’ve already spent a lot of time on Charity Watch looking at top rated charities.


      #120241 Reply

        Find a local community foundation. They will work with you to make sure your estate goes exactly where you want it to go, even if the local non-profits come and go.

        They will keep your investment growing and use the growth to fund community projects important to you.

        #120242 Reply

          I would find a reduced cost spay and neuter clinic and fund them. That will allow them to help all the rescues.

          #120243 Reply

            How about creating scholarships for students who want to work with animals?

            Or Make-A-Wish for animal-related trips?

            #120244 Reply

              It isn’t always about finding the perfect spot. I’d create a will now, and adjust it when you find better alternatives.

              Essentially anywhere you choose will be of better use than Uncle Sam.

              Which is where it would likely go right now.

              #120245 Reply

                A scholarship endowment to a university for vet medicine in your area.

                The university will help manage it and you can add in requirements like “has done 200 hours of volunteer work in animal rescue”

                #120246 Reply

                  I’m a big fan of Fistula Foundation. $600 provides a surgery that immediately has a massive positive impact on someone’s life.

                  Or Helen Keller International.

                  Cataract surgeries literally restore sight to people who otherwise would spend the last 20+ years of their lives blind.

                  #120247 Reply

                    As a single mom, I would appreciate any help with my daughter’s education.

                    Maybe anyone around you have same needs, you can help them out.

                    #120248 Reply

                      Any friends, close colleagues, anyone who has made an impact on your life in some way?

                      Alternatively, I always liked that song about the guy leaving all his money to a guy he related to/felt connected to at the bar.

                      #120249 Reply

                        I’m in a similar situation.
                        Setup scholarships at universities for disadvantaged young people who can’t afford to get an education.

                        Or donate to women’s shelters.

                        Or have a new dept setup at a hospital in your name.

                        Or local church

                        Or a combination of bits of money to various charities.

                        #120250 Reply

                          In our community there is a foundation that helps people leave money to charities, scholarships, etc. Does your community have something like this?

                          Basically your money is held by the foundation and they disburse itas you request.

                          My good friend works at one. If the deceased person’s charity goes bankrupt or closes they as a board decide where your funds should go.

                          For example to a different local animal rescue with similar goals, beliefs as the one you previously chose.

                          You could also consider a scholarship for local students to become veterinarians or vet techs, or some other type of animal support person

                          I bet if you reached out to your local banks that help with trusts they would be able to direct yo to a similar type foundation.

                          #120251 Reply

                            Start spending it. Enjoy life. Travel, buy that shmancy car, whatever. You did the work, now play.

                            #120252 Reply

                              I wonder if there is some sort of fund that can be set up to help people afford veterinary care for their pets?

                              Like, they go to the vet and they can’t afford surgery or cancer treatment so they have no choice but to put them down….the vet office could run it like a charity fund.

                              #120253 Reply

                                There is a dog sanctuary in NJ for seniors. They have people leave $ in wills and as beneficiaries to keep it going.

                                Perhaps seek out similar by you

                                #120254 Reply

                                  Medical research is a worthy cause to donate to. For example, Type 1 diabetes or any other diseases.

                                  Reducing human suffering is a good thing, especially if you don’t have anyone to pass it to.

                                  #120255 Reply

                                    My local Animal Refuge League is excellent, and that’s where my money is going.

                                    Otherwise, look at donating to organizations that transport animals from kill shelters in the South to more humane places in the North where they’re likely to get adopted.

                                    Saving lives is more important than leaving a legacy, IMO.

                                    #120256 Reply

                                      What a great question and problem to have. It also shows your generosity of trying to do good even after you’re gone. I don’t know what’s best.

                                      Any family or friends that are struggling that could really use the help? Maybe help teach them financial literacy.

                                      You could potentially changes a whole families future. Or go the charity/organization way.

                                      I don’t think there’s a perfect answer. It really comes down to how you feel about it at the end of the day.

                                      #120257 Reply

                                        Set up a scholarship with a high school or college, maybe for someone going into veterinary medicine.

                                        Set a certain amount in the fund & specify the amount of annual scholarship until fund is depleted.

                                        Maybe donate to animal clinic(s) too.

                                        #120258 Reply

                                          I second the advice for your local community foundation to help guide you, and/or you can look for a charity that has an endowment.

                                          That would indicate a charity whose staff and/or board leadership is working to ensure long-term sustainability for the organization.

                                          It doesn’t always mean that it will work as intended if the endowment isn’t set up with certain guard rails in place OR if the leadership is really not great at long-term vision/planning/execution, OR if they’re simply not at that stage of fundraising yet (they need to be able to sustain the normal, annual funding needs in addition to establishing and growing an endowment).

                                          If you have time and guidance to give as well, you might consider joining the board to get a better sense of things too.

                                          You might not be able to know who will be there when you’re done, but you can make plans with a generally good sense of whether the organization is going in the right direction.

                                          I’m a nonprofit fundraising professional so hopefully that helps give some added insight.

                                          #120259 Reply

                                            Have you heard of the Elephant Nature Park in Thailand? Their a wonderful sanctuary that does a lot of good.

                                            #120260 Reply

                                              Veterinary school is getting to be financially unattainable for most and most vet students are graduating with 200-300k of student loans, sometimes more.

                                              When I was in school there were a lot of small scholarships that were set to match with students with specific interests and I was thankful to receive one for students interested in research.

                                              #120261 Reply

                                                I would be interested in an inscripted s
                                                park bench or bricks in a school wall or messages on permanent structures or an art donation to a museum with your name attached to it.

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