How can I remove a persistent bad smell from a suitcase?

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  • #114550 Reply

      Luggage help
      A large suitcase was left with something wet inside for a couple weeks.

      I got all of the visual ick out but OMG the smell.

      I tried Fabreeze and the next day (today) it smells awful again, any suggestions on what I can do to clear the smell.

      The suitcase was only used once I would rather not toss it.

      #114551 Reply

        Put charcoal pieces in close it up and leave it a while. Also, old newspapers crumpled up will help.

        #114552 Reply

          Put a bowl of vinegar in it and close it up. Leave it there for a couple of days. Open it, wipe down every square inch inside w/ vinegar in a rag (I used vinegar and water half and half).

          Put the bowl of vinegar back in. Close up for a couple of more days. Then wipe again w/ vinegar or another cleaner.

          Then wipe w/ damp rag and clean water. Let air dry for a day.

          Close up for another couple of days. Open, smell should be completely gone!!

          If not repeat the wiping and vinegar bowl for a couple of days, until the smell is completely gone.

          This worked perfectly when rotten meat was left in my vehicle for 3 weeks.

          I did the vinegar bowl, closed up, wipe down 3 separate times and the smell is completely gone.

          #114553 Reply

            Hopefully the item was bagged up and didn’t touch any other items in the suitcase.

            As a frugal person I would think about saving money in the long run and not opening or bringing anything with mold spores into my home, as that will make the room I opened it susceptible to grow mold as well.

            Understandably the cost of throwing away the suit case and purchasing a new one is not ideal, but mold and home remediation I can promise you is much more expensive… not to mention health problems that could arise from being in contact with mold.

            #114554 Reply

              You need an enzyme cleaner, that’s what eats up organic stuff

              #114555 Reply

                Vinegar. I know it’s smelly but the smell will go away. Put the suitcase out in the sun.

                You can also try Odor ban. On wood furniture I use rubbing alcohol but that may grown the mold.

                Put charcoal inside suitcase and close up. Last resort buy an ozone machine and leave it run near the open suitcase for a time in a closed room. Read directions carefully,

                #114556 Reply

                  If you can, spray with vinegar and then put it outside in the sunshine. (Only when rain and snow won’t add to the problem!)

                  #114557 Reply

                    Charcoal briquettes might help as well. Just make sure it regular plain old charcoal.

                    #114558 Reply

                      Put it outside to breath, cold or hot days are good, snow or rain bring it in.

                      Note the sun could fade the color

                      #114559 Reply

                        Odoban also works…and can be used in different strengths and is concentrated a gallon is 10bucks at dollar general

                        #114560 Reply

                          Store it with open baking soda in it for awhile and when it is sunny and warm, open it up and put it in the sun

                          #114561 Reply

                            20 mule team. Pour it in a bowl, close the suite case and leave it at least a week.

                            Put fresh mule team in the bowl after that if needed

                            #114562 Reply

                              You can follow ll it with charcoal & shut the lid & leave for days. It will absorb the odor & if that doesn’t work you can clean it with vinegar which should also help & another suggestion is to put a pan inside with instant coffee & let it sit in there with the lid closed for however long you can.

                              The coffee also absorbs the smell.

                              #114563 Reply

                                Air out in the sun, vinegar will also absorb the smell as well. Once it has been aired out, put a fabric softener sheet inside for storage.

                                #114564 Reply

                                  After you try some of these suggestions, put the open suitcase out in the sun, or in a car in the sun, for several days.

                                  The sun is a powerful deodorizer and sanitizer.

                                  #114565 Reply

                                    I’d cover it in bi carbon soda & leave it sit for a day or 2 then vacuum out.

                                    If it’s still there repeat and spray the bicarb with vinegar lightly & let sit till dry & vacuum.

                                    #114566 Reply

                                      Can it be hosed down? If so, spray with vinegar mixed with dish detergent, scrub, and spray with a ton of water.

                                      Let it sit open and out in the sun to dry. You may need to do it a few times.

                                      #114567 Reply

                                        Use baking soda. Sprinkle all over and let it sit. If you are in a warm climate, put it outside for a day with the soda in it.

                                        #114568 Reply

                                          Odoban… spray inside. You may have to do it a few times a day for a couple of days to get it completely out but you will notice a difference in between stays..

                                          spray and let dry between sprays

                                          #114569 Reply

                                            Scrub it with dawn, hose it out and let it dry …

                                            if you can’t wash it then you may have to consider it a loss so try a good scrub with Dawn or a good laundry detergent.

                                            #114570 Reply

                                              Risk vs benefit: moldy suitcase used once that may never come clean vs cost of new suitcase that used properly will never grow or smell from mold.

                                              May not be the frugal choice but option #2 would be my choice.

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