How to remove smoke smell from a thrifted leather coat?

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  • #114605 Reply

      Daughter bought a leather coat with lining at the thrift store. It smells strongly of smoke.

      Any suggestions how to get the smell.out?

      I’m looking for tried-and-true methods that won’t damage the leather. Have you dealt with a similar issue?

      What are the best home remedies or professional cleaning options for leather?

      Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

      #114606 Reply

        Can wipe w/ a rag w/ vinegar. Then let it air out. Might need to wipe it a couple of times.

        Don’t get the vinegar anywhere on the leather, on either side!!!

        #114607 Reply

          Ozone cleaner. Hang it in a bathroom and run an ozone cleaner for about 15 minutes.

          It and the bathroom will have 0 smells

          #114608 Reply

            Zero Odor Professional spray. I bought a thrift store leather purse that REEKED. I sprayed it wet and it was almost gone when dry.

            The second spray and no more smoke smell.

            Got it on Amazon.

            #114609 Reply

              I got one too and I let it aired and sprayed real perfume every day for about a week

              #114610 Reply

                Clean inside and outside with vinegar, then put it in a box with a can of fresh coffee grounds inside

                #114611 Reply

                  I had someone give me one a few years ago that smelt like cigarette smoke.

                  I hung it on my porch for about a month

                  #114612 Reply

                    It permeates everything and it’s hard to get rid of. Source: my parents smoke.

                    Sometimes I would put things in a bag with dryer sheets

                    #114613 Reply

                      There’s a new product (like iut a year) called POOF!! OMG…it’s )20 a bottle but it is phenomenal!!!

                      #114614 Reply

                        Put it inbox with some charcoal? Set it in the sun??? Moth balls in the pockets?

                        #114615 Reply

                          Turn it inside out and hang outside for two days. Turn right side out and hang outside.

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