How can I save funds for donations while living frugally?



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  • #120414 Reply

      I live in a frugal manner but I also have a heart to help others. I used to save my change, coupon money, and returnable bottles for donations.

      That has dwindled. Do you have any ideas to have spare funds as needed on occasion?

      #120415 Reply

        Most places never have enough volunteers. Your time is just as valuable as your money to organizations.

        The time you give volunteering saves them money in staff so you wind up financially assisting too!

        #120416 Reply

          Sell things you don’t use on market place, donate your time to help at mission or food bank

          #120417 Reply

            I used to coupon and donate everything, people would give me coupons and I would buy tons of supplies for the local woman’s shelter.

            I can barely do it now, there are very few good coupons, my bill was $30-40 before and now it’s $100-130.

            Can’t afford to be generous anymore

            #120418 Reply

              I commend folks for volunteering their time to charitable organizations!

              As a member of a Buy Nothing group, I feel I’m helping others when I give away something that I’m not using to someone who can.

              I could have sold the item on the secondhand marketplace and gotten some money back, but instead it becomes a gift to someone.

              #120419 Reply

                Fetch and Rakuten donate the proceeds. Also, Microsoft rewards too.

                #120420 Reply

                  Keep a bag with a few waters and any extra of these you have at home–to give out to homeless people you might see as you’re driving: gloves, a couple pair of good-condition athletic socks, chap sticks, small bars of soap, wash cloths, snack size packages of crackers,…

                  #120421 Reply

                    I keep proceeds from shopkick and ibotta in my paypal account and use that as needed

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