How much cash do you carry? Why?

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  • #121479 Reply

      How much cash do you keep with you? Any reason to keep some cash at hand?

      Do you prefer having for specific reasons like emergencies, small purchases, or places that don’t accept cards? Or are you someone who relies entirely on digital payments and cards?

      Share your thoughts and habits—what works best for you, and why?

      #121480 Reply

        I keep cash in our safe for hurricane emergency prep. Other than that I keep like a $20 in my purse.

        Just in case my card doesn’t work and I need gas or a snack.

        #121481 Reply

          I always keep 1-2k in small bills just for peace of mind.

          #121482 Reply

            no more than $100. when living and traveling overseas, I always kept a decent amount in smaller denominations.

            tipping in cash is basically the norm everywhere, not on CC.

            #121483 Reply

              Good to always carry some cash. There’s been times where processing systems are down, cards refuse to work, places only accept cash, or you want to tip someone.

              #121484 Reply

                About $5000. Nice to have when it’s helpful like impulsive buys and marketplace

                #121485 Reply

                  Yes last year I was in a tough financial situation and I had to take up a side gig to increase my income and also followed a strict budgeting pattern which included using cash as much as I can

                  #121486 Reply

                    I carry cash because I try to always pay cash at small businesses especially food places.

                    I also tip cash because so many don’t get their tips regularly

                    #121487 Reply

                      I try to keep an emergency $20 in my wallet. Internet goes out often here and then stores can’t process cards.

                      Saved me a few times lately.

                      #121488 Reply

                        No reason to keep more than 100 bux in cash in the house; 50 in drawer; 50 for walking around money.

                        The only thing I use cash for at this point is to tip the baggers at the commissary.

                        But like; if I have a flat tire; and AAA comes out, and changes the tire, I’ll tip the guy 20 bucks.

                        #121489 Reply

                          $0. Only because it’s too hard to chizzle it into my stone tablet checkbook when I spend any of it.

                          #121490 Reply

                            Less than $100 varies depending on when I went to an atm and if I have cash needs coming up.

                            Ideally in smaller bills available for tipping and such.

                            #121491 Reply

                              These days it is personal preference. I usually have around $300 on me and I prefer to pay for small things with cash.

                              #121492 Reply

                                Keep a large amount of cash accessible to you. I work in a hospital pharmacy and when the card machine and internet goes down you aren’t getting your Rx… unless you have cash on you.

                                #121493 Reply

                                  I still keep a $100 bill in my wallet, and maybe $1,000 at home in small bills.

                                  #121494 Reply

                                    I like to have between $40-100 in my wallet. $20 cash only for swing dance, $8 at the halal cart so they don’t have to pay the fee, $50 when my taxi driver card reader broke down.

                                    #121495 Reply

                                      Less than $100. Some activities that I do like parking at some concert venues only take cash.

                                      I take a bit more with me if I’m vacationing to more rural places.

                                      #121496 Reply

                                        $1000 in my diaper bag (SAHD). I’ve been in situations where credit cards and phones were not working and the only way to get food and to get home was with cash.

                                        #121497 Reply

                                          I always carry some dollar bills if I have to tip someone in cash. Also at certain family-owned businesses if I know the owners I pay in cash so they have to pay the credit card fee.

                                          #121498 Reply

                                            Maybe $40 or $50?
                                            Cash in case we go somewhere that doesn’t accept a credit card, etc.

                                            #121499 Reply

                                              I never pay cash, all credit card. When traveling, I always have enough cash on me to get home. Taught to me by a seasoned world traveler.

                                              Never needed it for that reason, but I’ve bought some collectibles fast at great prices because the seller needed cash now.

                                              #121500 Reply

                                                Always $60-$100 in my wallet so I can use cash at small businesses and for tipping. $1k-2k in my safe at home in case something comes up on marketplace/etc that I need cash for

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