I’m just now getting started in investments… Sad this late



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  • #82958 Reply

      .. but anywho, what are some good funds? Also how do I find good dividend stocks?

      I keep reading those are god to go with.

      #82959 Reply

        If you keep reading dividends are good, start reading something else. Just focus on total return. Any low cost broad based index fund will do.

        #82960 Reply

          There’s no evidence, IMO, that investing in dividend stocks makes you more money in the end. You probably should not get sucked into the chatter of the dividends gurus who claim it’s something special. So at least to start look up “the irrelevance of dividends” and you’ll find some reading or videos to balance what you have been looking at so far.

          #82961 Reply


            Dividend- Aristocrats, Kings, Contenders

            Then decide how you will decide to trade. Fundamentals = Accounting and reports.

            Technicals = charts and indicators.

            Perhaps a combination of inputs?

            Many dividend folks like SCHD.

            Before all this take a detailed inventory of all your income and bills with sources. Learn to track your financial situation.

            #82962 Reply

              I would suggest you just not worry about the dividends and focus on the appreciation.

              What funds you chose should be based on your personal goals, timeline and risk tolerance. With all that said…. VTI is a good choice to start with as it represents the entire US stock market.

              #82963 Reply

                1.) Read “A Simple Path to Wealth” by Collins
                2.) Profit.

                #82964 Reply

                  Another vote for reading The Simple Path to Wealth by JL Collins. I highly, HIGHLY recommend this book. If you know little to nothing about investing, this book will change your life.

                  The book recommends low-cost total stock market index funds, specifically VTSAX from Vanguard, but equivalent index funds at Fidelity (e.g. FSKAX) or ETF equivalents (like VTI) are all solid choices.

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