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About to make a big life decision today and would like insights,
I work in healthcare
My husband works federal and was offered the buyout to get severance until September (he makes arounds $105k a year)he works 2 hours away so he drives 4 hours every day. He was able to work remote before but now the govt says he cant.
We have Two kids (2,4)
I just been offered a job at my dream hospital where my career growth would be better. The offer pay is around $250k a year, I currently make $190k a year.Where I currently live right now, cost of living is a little cheaper.
We have a $3600 mortgage on a 3000 sq ft home with a solar we loaned (one of our money mistakes) and still owe about $70k on it, we pay $400 a month on it.
Now the plan is if I take this job offer, we’d have to relocate 4 hours away & sell our house with the pesky solar loan.
We would be downsizing and probably will have to rent in the new city because houses there are too expensive.
Obviously moving Is the best for growth. Pay is more. Won’t be tied to a mortgage. We have some family 20-30 mins away up there.
My job is hybrid. My husband does not have a job offer lined up but he has pay until September (from the federal buyout)
The only thing is my husbands family live here where we’re at now. We are comfortable.
I am worried more about the downsizing part… my kids not having their own rooms (which we plan to end up buying house there 4-5 years from now or rent a bigger house)
Not having the family support but then again i will be working hybrid so id probably have to hire a nanny/babysitter but still be home more.Anyone with same experience? How did it go? Relocating with kids is sooo hard.
I wonder if it’s even worth it the extra pay. But i feel like it’s time to move and grow and take risks as well.
Me and hubby are in our late 30s.
ChrissyI would not assume that the federal government will actually pay out …
JacquelineI would take the job. You are young and career-minded. Your husband has time to help with the transition and you lose the solar debt.
A lot of wins here.
BethI would not trust the buyout offer. Don’t count on that money. Elon pulled the same crap and Trump is known to not keep promises when he had casinos he stiffed workers/contractors all the time (my dad former NJ prosecutor heard lots of stories).
AmandaIf your husband quits, assume you will see no pay beyond his last day of work. Does that change the math for you?
(that money offered was authorized by no one and they are under no obligation to pay it, nor do they have the money to pay it)
It seems like your family could make it on one salary (which is more than many households’ two-salary totals) very comfortably and you wouldn’t need a full-time nanny until your husband got a job.
If you’re all up for the adventure, it sounds like it’s a good move.
DestinyI’d be cautious of the “dream” hospital. Healthcare is a business and some places work you to death for the privilege of working for the big name.
The best healthcare gigs I’ve had have been at places that people don’t dream about going to.
SarahThis decision will only get harder when your kids are older. Make the move. Save the equity in your current home as a down payment on a new home.
With a $250k salary, you should be able to buy a home there relatively soon unless it’s a super HCOL area.
It doesn’t hurt kids to share a room when they’re young. In fact, it strengthens their bond.
Plan to FaceTime the grandparents often after you move, visit them at least once a month, and invite them to visit you often.
FatimaIs your husband taking the buyout? It would be a no for me until things were clear for him.
KatherineI highly doubt the federal payout will actually happen, and I would not count on that money.
The fed programs are only currently funded through march – not Sept.. Did he already resign?
JennyNumbers aside. What does your heart /intuition say? I would go out in nature, find some quiet space and try to hear what your heart has to say.
And then follow that
LynneDo not count on getting the money from the buyout. They are not to be trusted at all!
DizneeWill the raise off set the coast of living in the new area? What are your husbands job prospects in that area (with remote and hybrid jobs on the decline) What is his union saying about the pay out (not trying to be political but rather practical as to its legality)
KarenIf you want career growth and that’s the priority then take the job. Could you rent the house in case things don’t work back and you want to return?
I’m floored with the balance on the solar.
That seems like a lot.
TonyI don’t even know what I would do with 3000sqft (I currently live in a 1250 3BR/2BA) so I would welcome the move and the opportunity to simplify and downsize.
Your kids will adapt to anything – I shared a room with my brother growing up and 4 of us shared one bathroom.
I had no problems with it because I had nothing to compare it to.
MichelleI would move and take the better job for you. It’s really hard being a fed right now (one myself) and regardless of the DRP offer, families should be preparing for the worst (govt shutdown, getting furloughed, getting laid off, etc).
At least one of you should be feeling some forward motion and if it’s your dream job, I would take it.
LaurenNot being able to buy a house with an income of 250k is a red flag to me. Sounds like an extremely HCOL area.
Idk what you do but I’m a nurse and no hospital is a dream either.
AatiyahGood luck, I would be mindful that the government is only funded until March 14th unless we pass some sort of budget bill to avoid a shut down.
There has been no funding of these buyouts so I would make decision based on your potential income and not with a 6 month buffer.
SharonWho cares for your children now? How does this cost compare with your (possible) new location?
Since you seem to have the ability to switch jobs, I’d see what your husband can find in the new area before moving.
The $60,000 pay increase doesn’t seem worthwhile to me if:
– husband is unemployed
– nanny expense is an increase
– can not afford a house in new area– rents are likely enormous in new areas, what rent are you seeing and what square footage that the children would need to share a room? Are they mixed genders-how old?
Question about your solar loan-
– What %
– How many years remain?
– $400/70k sounds like it could still be 10-15?-Is there a penalty to pay early? If not, I’d probably pay aggressively unless the interest are is very very low.
As others have suggested, the severance likelihood of the federal employee retirement memo seems iffy at best – especially because we’re not sure if the offer was legal.
Pensions, healthcare, contracts – so much for attorneys and judges to hash out.
CarolinaI hear you. We have moved houses 4 times in the last 3 years (one was international). I have 5 kids. I am an absolute wreck. This current house is also temporary.
I am currently trying to minimise to not take more junk to our next place.
RobbI would pause on it all. You cannot trust anything coming from the executive branch of our government at this point.
Once the dust settles I would reevaluate.
ShawnaDon’t count on a “buy out” from a man who believes and acts as a king and is currently violating the constitution. It’s all illegal. He has no authority whatsoever to offer that and hopes you’ll be duped into taking it.
What’s happening is an ongoing coup with plundering of our personal information by 19 to 24 year old “kids” which one of whom works with Russian hacking farms.
So many lawsuits are lining up and the way he and Elon are already blowing through our money with these decisions calculated to implode everything, your husband will likely be like most people promised something by that man who ended up financially ruined when they didn’t get it.
Think of even the former contractors he’s used or lawyers who didn’t get paid for their services
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