Overcoming Life’s Challenges: A Lesson from a Clogged Toilet

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  • #127970 Reply

      I’ve had a very rough situation dealing with lots of things right now and pretty overwhelmed, I had unexpected bills from the mental health facility my brother is in right now I had to settle and my sales wasn’t that good the past days due to class suspensions and curfew.

      came home with a clogged toilet bowl which immediately added to my stress didn’t have any extra to call for a plumber so had to rely on YouTube for some diy hacks on how to unclogged the toilet bowl.

      first came up with a hot water dishwashing liquid hacks which i attempt to try only to find out we’ve also run out of propane gas so I can’t heat water on to the next hack baking soda+vinegar hack which thank God I had at home at first I had doubt it will work since husband said the cause of clogged toilet bowl is a small face towel he accidentally throw while he was washing his pants,but after a minute of waiting.

      I pour in half pale of water on the bowl and it immediately goes down,works like magic you can imagine the relief I had felt seeing the water goes down quickly without paying for a plumber these moment gives me a realization that we can never know what situation life will bring us but we can chose how we can react and deal with it.

      we might feel overwhelmed and stressed at times but our capacity to look for a solution and deal with it is what really matters.

      I’m thankful for the modern technology we had today like YouTube tutorial, it has been such a great help for us trying to fix stuff on our own with little resources we had.

      I’ve been so stressed lately that dealing with the clogged toilet bowl successfully on my own feels so great even if it’s just a little achievement.

      it means Every problem has a solution we just have to be resourceful and creative in dealing with it, of course with big faith all will be going well soon

      #127971 Reply

        You do realize you are not legally responsible for a sibling’s medical bills.. do you not?

        #127972 Reply

          You should have a snake, they sell them at the hardware store and Walmart I believe.

          #127973 Reply

            You are so resourceful! Even if you could have gotten a plumber it must’ve made you feel great to do it yourself and know you are capable

            #127974 Reply

              You are such an inspiration of family taking care of family! Your family is blessed. I agree that YouTube can be a life saver.

              We have used it many times to get ourselves out of a jam. Sending hugs to you.

              #127975 Reply

                This lady lives in the Philippines, no Walmart and calling her husband useless is unnecessary.

                #127976 Reply

                  You tube has been a terrific help to my husband and me on many occasions.

                  #127977 Reply

                    Thatbis shame you are facing all that. The struggle for many is real.
                    I do suggest when you have a little extra purchase a plumbing snake.

                    It really works at getting rid of clogs.

                    #127978 Reply

                      Well done!!! A plumber told me years ago to use a mop as a plunger first as it’s cheaper to replace the mop than call out a plumber!

                      Plus, it’s the first trick a plumber will use! Another one is a huge amount of salt which is so heavy it will shift the blockage I’ve had great success with this as well!

                      #127979 Reply

                        Sounds like being a caregiver is a full-time job. Good that you can find ways to fix issue that come up.

                        #127980 Reply

                          I’m happy that you are so industrious. Don’t be afraid to pat yourself on the back.

                          Accept your wins for exactly what they are. Wins!

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